A Little Baby...

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Laura's POV/

I went to the living room and sat on the couch. My feet close to my chest, me hugging my legs. I rock back and forth and start to cry again. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream, it seemed soo real. I sigh and I got up washing away my tears. It was 11:30 and Chad was gonna be here in a half hour. I made myself some scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. I put it on the table, picking at my food a little. But since I was starving and feeding a baby inside me, I ate it all of up. I then start to clean the dishes when I feel the food comes back up. My eyes widen as I run to the bathroom and to the toilet. I then puke my guts out. All the food I just ate came back. I flushed the toilet and I brushed my teeth.

Laura: "Shit, morning sickness"

I then do mouth wash. I smelled my breath. Minty fresh. 😂😂 I was soo hungry now. I checked the time, 11:55 -,- I still had a few minutes. I then went into the kitchen and I walked over to the freezer and pulled our cookie dough ice cream. I ate the whole carton. Just in time to. I was still hungry tho. I also licked the spoon while watching "Full House"

Michelle: "You got it dude"

Michelle Tanner said from the tv. I hear a knock on my door. I get up tugging my sweater down more. I open the door to find a person that looks like he's smiling but has a broken heart under that.

Chad: "Hey Laur, you ready?"

Laura: "No! I'm still hungry"

Chad: "We'll buy something later"

Chad said while I got my phone. I got into the car with Chad. He starts the car and we leave the house. Me and him made small talk.

Chad: "Did you think of a name?"

Laura: "No, me and R-Ross never thought about it. But we are gonna keep the whole R tradition. He said something about making another R5. Just a smaller version."

Chad: "Cool, a mini R5. All of the real ones kids"

I sigh remembering that the baby inside of me isn't Ross's. I look out the window thinking about it. I wonder what he's doing right now? Is he thinking about me? Chad's eyes were glued to the road. I looked at him, remembering Cody. I honestly think that there are no difference between the two. Chad says something, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Chad: "We're here. Ready?"

Chad says smiling at me. I let out a very small smile. It's all I got. He gets out and we walk in the doors of Care Hospital. I see kids sleeping on their mothers shoulder. Doctors running around and filling out paper work. The waiting room was mostly for kids. Me and Chad walk over to the check in desk.

Nurse: "Yes, can I help you?"

Laura: "Uh, I have an appointment. An ultrasound at 12"

Nurse: "Hmm, name please?"

Laura: "Laura Marano?"

Stating it as a question more than a statement. Chad looks around while I wait till she finds my name.

Nurse: "Ah yes, wait a moment. Dr. Adams will be out in a moment. Feel free to take a seat"

The nurse says pointing at the waiting room. Since it was for kids, there was a tv that was turned to Nick. Jr and it was all colorful. There was a rainbows and butterflies drawn on the walls. Crayons scattered all over the place and puzzle pieces everywhere. Also, the little boys were playing with Legos and the little girls were playing with princesses.

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