Just A Normal Day

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Vanessa's POV/

     I wake up in Rocky's arms who was sleeping peacefully. My arms were around his neck and our feet were tangled with each others. I take my pinkie and nudge him softly. "Wake upppppp" I tell him softly. He just snores and puckers his lips. I go along with it and I kiss him softly. He smiles and we sit up. "Morning beautiful" He tells me and I blush. "Morning, wanna have breakfast?" I ask him getting up. He nods and stretches. Riley then walks into our room.

     "Hi mommy, oh hi Uncle Rocky, What are you doing here? With no shirt?" She asks us. "Oh, I slept with your mom today 'cause she got scared" Rocky says and I laugh and roll my eyes. Riley nods and she walks over to Rocky. She lifts her arms up and Rocky smiles and picks her up. We then go to the table to see Laura on her phone.

Rocky's POV/

     "Hey guys, oh Rocky you stayed here?" Laura asks me looking up from her phone. "Yah, I did. I wanted to see Vanessa" I tell her. She cocks an eyebrow up, "What happened? Are you 2 dating?" She asks us. Me and Vanessa look at each other. "Uh, no we aren't" Vanessa says. "Not yet tho" I say and I hug Vanesssa. "Oh, ok" She plainly says. "Ok, so Imma cook you all some food" I say walking into the kitchen.

     I put Riley on the counter. "Wanna cook with your Uncle?" I ask her. She giggles and nods. I smile and start mixing batter for pancakes and I get out the whip cream and fruit and syrup. I see Vanessa and Laura look at each other and they run into the kitchen, "You don't have to cook for us" Vanessa quickly says. "Yah, I'll just grab a bowl of cereal" Laura says.

     "No, please, I wanna. It seems like you all just eat cereal. That sucks, lemme cook for you" I say trying to persuade them. They look at each other. I lead Laura and Vanessa to the table. "Trust me, you'll love it" I say kissing Vanessa's forehead and going back into the kitchen.

Laura's POV/

     "So, you and Rocky?" I ask Vanessa puttting my phone in my pocket. I don't think that's a good idea for them to date. I mean, Rockessa? I rather have Rinessa. And Riley, how's this going for her? "It's not Rockessa, yet" Vanessa says daydreaming about it. I snap my hands in front of her. "What about Riker? I thought you liked him" I tell her. "Yah, but I think I sorta like Rocky now. He's sweet, charming and funny" She tells me. "So is Riker" I tell her. "Oh yah, what about you and Ross? What's the update on Raura?" She says to me cocking an eyebrow up.

     I blush at that word. "What about Raura?" I tell her. "You know you like him, he likes you too" she tells me. "I don't know its just that, I don't know if he would want another relationship with me" I say looking down. "Wait, do you still like Noah? 'Cause when he broke up with you, you weren't crying that much as all of us thought you were" She asks me. I look up at her "I don't know. Like I said before, I thought I did like Noah but when Ross came back all the feelings for Noah a-are gone" I confess. She nods and Rocky and Riley come back.

Rocky's POV/

     While Vanessa and Laura we're talking me and Riley made pancakes. "Riley wanna flip them with me?" I ask her. "Yah" She says. I hold her hand and pick her up. We grab the spatula and flip it. "I did it" She says. "That's right baby girl" I tell her. She giggles at me and we make more batter. Riley put the flour in the bowl so we could mix it. Riley then grabs a handful of flour and then throws it at me. "Woah, hey" I say 'cause I was caught off guard.

     "Sorry" She says laughing. I smirk and take a handful of flour in my hands and I make a fist. "Hey Riley" I say to her and I pretend to sneeze. "Haachooooooooooooo" I sneeze and the flour comes outta my hands. It goes all over Riley. I laugh and she says "Ugh, it came in my hair." Vanessa then comes running into the kitchen. "What happened baby?" She says walking over to Riley and cleaning her face. "Uncle Rocky "sneezed" on me" Riley says putting air quotes around the word sneeze. "Why you do that Rocky?" She tells me cleaning her. I roll my eyes and smile and get back to cooking.

Laura's POV/

     After Vanessa went to go clean Riley, I went up to Rocky. "So you and my sister huh?" I say sitting on the counter. "Yah, she's great" Rocky says flipping a pancake. "Well, uh what do you like about her?' I say to him. He looks at me and smiles, "Well, shes beautiful, funny, I actually love people with black hair and she's drop dead gorgeous. I wanted to date her so badly before but now since I landed a date with her, that could finally happen" He says to me. Wow

     "I finally got the flour off of Riley. Thank you Rocky" Vanessa says carrying Riley down the stairs with Riley on her hip. Rocky smiles and brings pancakes n the table. "Ok, here taste these" He says. I choice one with 2 pancakes.A lot of whip cream on the top with powdered sugar and maple syrup. Vanessa took one with 2 pancakes like me. But with bananna's, blue berries and whip cream. Riley took one with just maple syrup on it. When Rocky took three with chocolate chips on it and drowned it in syrup

 Vanessa's POV/

     We all were eating when the front door opened. It was Riker. "Hey Riker" Laura says and Riker walks into the room all of us were in. "H-hey. I was wondering if you are doing anything tonight?" Riker says scratching his neck. Did he just ask me out? Well, I like Rocky now. Right? Rocky grips his fork tightly and I hold his hands. "It's ok" I whispers to him. Rocky lets go of the fork. "Actually me and Rocky are going for a date tonight" I say to Riker. His face drops. "What! Since when? Where and why?" He says to us walking forward.

     "We're going to a fair today around 3. We hang there for a while then we're going for a picnic at the beach tonight at 8" He says to Riker. "Rocky can I talk to you?" Riker say while gritting his teeth. "Sure" He says and walks into the other room. "Still a good idea to date him?" Laura asks me. "Yah it is" I say cutting a pancake and putting it into my mouth. 

      Soor I haven't been updating, I was so busy. Anyway my Friend got me an R5 necklace. I love it so much. IT'S SO SEXY! Anyway plz vote and comment for next cbhapter. Love u lots <3 :*


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