That's Not Her

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A/N: I got bored to my being bored, I made a boring chapter, sorry :(


Laura's POV/

        I finally get out of the hospital. Gosh I hate hospitals. I was let out early and I wanted to see Ross. Me and my mom were waiting inside the hospital. Vanessa came back. She didn't have Riley tho. Rydel, Rocky, Ell and Riker also came back.

Vanessa: "Ok mom, you will be living with us. Unless you have an apartment?"

Ellen: "I was everywhere. I have a house. But I wanna live with you for a little while. I wanna spend time with Riley and Roxy"

Laura: "Ok cool. You guys leave. I'm gonna stay with Ross"

Riker: "Who's gonna drive you home?"

Rocky: "Both Laura and Ross can drive"

Ellen: "Yah but, I don't think its a good idea. They just got out of the hospital"

Rydel: "Shes right. How about someone drives them back"

Rocky: "Ill do it"

        Riker tosses him the keys and Rocky catches it. They all leave. Vanessa was gonna drive her car home. I then run up to the nurse and ask which room Ross was in. I then go up to the room with Rocky. I take a deep breath.

Rocky: "I'll wait out here. Tell me when you guys are done talking and then I'll come in"

Laura: "Thanks"

        I then walk into the room not bothering to knock. I see Ross. He didn't have a shirt on. Not that I'm complaining. He looks better without one anyway ;) I see that something was wrapped around him. Gosh, oh yah. He broke one of his ribs. Ouch. I walk over to him and he looks up.

Ross: "Laura, I missed you"

        I walk up to him and I hug him. Softly, 'cause I didn't wanna hurt him. I kiss his cheek and he smiles at me. He looks better. But I could tell his cast thingie hurt.

Laura: "How ya feeling?"

Ross: "Fine, just a little sore"

Laura: "Yah same here"

Ross: "So... are you pregnant?"

Ross's POV/

        I am still sore. My ribs hurt and its hard to put my shirt on. I look up and I see my beautiful girlfriend standing there. Looking as if nothing happened. Well, except the fact that she had cuts and bruises like me. She hugs me softly. caring if she hurt me or not.

Ross: "So... are you pregnant"

        I ask her hoping for a no, rather than a yes. I know shes pregnant, its just... hard. Hard that I'm not the babies father. Hard that I wasn't her first. It sucks.

Laura: (Sighs) "Yes Ross. I'm pregnant and Noah's the father"

Ross: "Oh... dam"

Laura: "Its ok, you weren't my first but hey, it doesn't matter. Next time we actually do it. I know that you would be my first, the one that I actually would like it. My first that I could actually enjoy"

Ross: "Yah, its just so weird"

Laura: "What is?"

Ross: "That your not a virgin and I am. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around"

Laura: "I know right. Oh ROCKY, YOU CAN COME IN!"

        Laura yells bursting my eardrum. Rocky walks in smiling at us. He walks over to me.

Because Of Us A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now