We're Too Late

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A/N: Please read the authors note. Well, just the P.S part at the bottom, Okay dorks, enjoy

Laura's POV/

        I wake up with a huge headache. I had no idea where I was. All I remember was me getting pushed into a car. My eyes adjust and I look around the room. It was dark so I couldn't see that much. But from the light of the sunset I could see, just a little. The sun was so close to not showing tho. It was a room that looked burned. The walls were falling apart. There was black stains on the wall. What seemed like burned wood were all over the floor. I was really close to the door. The door was broken. It looked like someone broke it. Like kicked it open. When I saw it, what seemed like the stairs were broken. I look at one of the corners and I see a pile of burned wood there. I look at the windows and it looked like the glasses were broken. There actually were shards of glass on the floor. There also was a pile of wood there. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My hands were tied to a chair and my feet were tied to the legs of the chair. I then hear someone say something. I look at the face and it was Noah and Cody.

Cody: "Finally your awake. I thought I hurt you too hard"

Laura: "Y-you did"

        I say already crying. I know that I'm dead, I know it. Or even worse, both of them will take away my virginity.

Laura: "W-where are we? Where d-did you take me?"

Noah: "Somewhere that you know quiet well"

        I look around more, I couldn't quiet put my finger where we were. But it looked really familiar. It was pretty dark so I couldn't see that much. Noah and Cody then smirk at me. Noah opens the light and my eyes widen. It was my old house. The one that got burned 3 years ago. I wonder why people didn't clean and rebuild it yet. Anyway, this wasn't my room. It was Vanessa's. In which where we had to jump out the window, that's why it looked like the glass had been broken. Also, the wood there that fell on Ross before we jumped. The door was broken too because I remember that Riker and Ross broke the door open to save us. I then remember when they finally reached us that we were gonna leave. I was the first one to walk down the stairs. But it broke and Ross caught my hand and pulled me up just in time. Also at the corner with the pile of woods, I remember Vanessa yelling at me trying to make me concentrate when that pile of wood almost fell on me. I then feel a hand on my cheek and a burst of pain on my cheek. My head turns to the side and tears slip down my eyes. Cody just slapped me.

Cody: "Pay attention when were talking to you"

        I don't say anything but cry more. I wanted to leave. Seeing this house just brings me memories. Anyway, I figured that I better listened before I get another hand print on my face.

Cody: "Before we start out little fun. Why don't you tell us why you won't date any of us. Or in other words. Why did you break up with Noah?"

Laura: "I don't have to answer anything"

        Cody's face turns red and I can actually seek smoke coming outta his ears. I get scared. He slaps me once again on my cheek and punches my other one. That hurt a lot. Noah just looks at me. I cry into my hands seeing blood in my palms.

Noah: "I suggest you just answer the dam question"

        I start crying more. Thinking about this. What's gonna happen to me?

Laura: "I broke up with N-Noah because when I saw Ross. I realized that"

Noah: "Realized what!?"

Laura: "That I still liked him"

        I say crying more. Noah gets mad and Cody just smirks.

Because Of Us A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now