Rinessa Is Back :D

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Vanessa's POV/

     I kissed Riker. I guess we got caught up in the moment. We break away and everyone is looking at us. There mouths dropped. And Riker's hands were still around my waist and mine were still around his neck. He lets go of me and I do the same to him. Laura decided to speak up first.

Laura: "Uh, what was that kiss about?"

     Me and Riker look at each other. We both were stuttering.

Riker: "Uh ya know, we were..."

Vanessa: "Caught up in the moment."

Riker: "That's all, no feelings what so ever"

     When he said that I felt sad. Yah I wanna be in a relationship with him. Ok you got me. I have a crush. Done screaming? If he asks me out I'll say yes but he didn't so I'm not gonna say anything. I just wish he would ask me. I also need to talk to him about that kiss we had in the closet 'cause I'm still confused about it. But I still Like Rocky :p Raini moves her hands in my face.

Raini: "Uh Vanessa, you kinda zoned out after Riker said that. You ok?"

Vanessa: "Hmm? Oh yah I'm fine"

Laura: "OK?"

Riker's POV/

     Dam, why did I say that. I can't believe I kissed her. It was good. Anyway Vanessa kinda zoned out after I said that we didn't have feelings for each other. Why can't we date. Or at least be friends with benefits.

Raini: "Um, well since Mateo closed the restaurant you guys can go home."

     I run into the kitchen and I get my stuff. Rocky then stops me. I look at his face and he looks mad. Dam.

Rocky: "What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you kiss her?"

Riker: "Look Rocky, it was an accident, And besides she wanted to do it"

Rocky: "How can you tell?"

I smirk

Riker: "'Cause she kissed back. It's obvious that she doesnt like you, Get that through your head and move on!"

Rocky: "Most of my girlfriends left me for you. Actually only two"

Riker: "Really who?"

Rocky: "Well Vanessa..."

Riker (Smiles) "And?"

Rocky: "Michelle, you remember her?"

Riker: "Oh my god Rocky, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean---"

Rocky: "Ya I know. I just wish she was mine and we could date again. But I think that's a bad idea 'cause you'll take her away from me"

     He then leaves me standing there. I didn't mean to take her away. She was younger then him by, like one year. I just sigh and walk back to our car. Everyone stares at me and Rocky whispers something in Rydel's ear. Rydel sighs and walks over to me.

Rydel: "Rocky doesn't wanna be in the same car as you. Oh and he's not talking to you."

Riker: "How am I supposed to get home?"

Laura: "You could walk?"

Riker: "What I don't know the way!"

Rocky: "Oh well, then get lost?"

Ell: "Don't say that Rocky. Maybe Laura or Vanessa can walk back with you"

Ross: "Not Laura, Vanessa you wanna walk back?"

Because Of Us A Raura & Rinessa Love Story (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora