Our First Day

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Riker's POV/

     I wake up by the sound of Rydel calling me.


     I thought I would never have to hear those words. I get up and I change into a white button up and black skinny jeans. I go downstairs and everyone is eating break fest. Ross was wearing a black v-neck with black skinny jeans, Rocky was wearing fully black with a chain and Rydel and Ell we're wearing fully back as well. But Rydel was wearing a black skirt

Ross: "You do realize this is all your fault."

Rocky: "How is it my fault?"

Rydel: "Ross, it's not his fault."

Rocky: "Thank you."

Ell: "Yah, it's Riker's too."

Riker: "What?"

Ell: "Yah, you both we're the first to throw food"

Rydel: "Ya know what? It doesn't matter, we have to go to work and please guys, I'm begging you, Don't do anything stupid. Which I'm referring to you both."

     She motions her sentence to me and Rocky. I roll my eyes and Rocky nods looking at the ground. We get in our car and we go across the street. Vanessa, Laura and Riley we're sitting on the steps. I get out and I hug Riley.   

Riker: "Hi sweetheart, how ya feeling?"

Riley: "I'm good"

Ross: "What's up guys, Hey Laur"

     Ross says to Laura and he pecks Laura's lip. We get into our car and I was driving. Vanessa was in the passenger seat. Roxy, Riley and Laura we're in the middle seats and Ross, Rydel, Rocky and Ell we're in the back. Well, Rydel was sitting on Ell's lap because she was squished. Vanessa tells me where Katie's house was and I drive there.

Vanessa: "Rydel I'll take Roxy, you guys stay here"

Rydel: "Ok (Kisses Roxy's cheek).

     I hold Riley's hand while Vanessa holds Roxy's. We walk up the steps and and I was worried. I don't want anyone taking care of my Riley for me. Vanessa already did it for three years. Vanessa noticed my wordiness and she holds my hand.

Vanessa: "It's gonna be ok"

      I nod and the door opens. Katie was standing there in a tank top with sweats. I'm guessing she wasn't panning on doing anything. Vanessa and Katie squeal and hug each other. She takes a look at me and her eyes widen. Katie then signs to Vanessa. 

Vanessa's POV/

      Katie was surprised that Riker was standing there holding Riley's hand and mine. She started signing to me and if I know Riker, he doesn't understand it. I let go of Riker's hand 'cause I needed to sign. She starts saying...


Katie: What is he doing here?

Vanessa: Surprise, they sorta came back 

Katie: What! And your happy? He's holding your daughters hand

Vanessa: Well, it's his daughter to

Kaitie: Wait wait wait, Do you like him?

Vanessa: ...

Katie: You do!

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