One time he tries to impress you

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Holy freaking cow it's been a while! I just wanted to thank all of you for your continuous love and support!!!

So I know this is a long author's note and no one cares about them, (myself included) so if you don't want to read all of it, please read the bold. But I feel like this needs to be said. Newsies is the fandom I was apart of before I even knew what a fandom was. In 2012, I was introduced to fanfiction because of a comedy tv series from the 1960's called Hogan's Heroes. And from there, my love of fanfiction continues to grow to this day. I never in a million years would have foreseen over 100K reads on any story I'd written let alone this. It makes me want to cry thinking about it. Seriously guys.

I'm getting older, and I have to admit, my audience keeps seeming to get younger. I know I was only 13 when I started into the world of fanfiction, but for me, that's going on 7 years ago. Most of the people who read my stories anymore aren't even in high school yet, or are in high school. I'm officially a real live nurse, so thanks for making me feel old 😂!

Where I'm going with this is that I've just watched this fandom change, grow, evolve, and thrive and I think it's pretty fantastic! I know a lot of people "outgrow" this fandom as they get older, but I instead take the approach of letting them grow right along with me, so yeah.

I hate to admit that this is my last summer with publishing my fanfiction. Not because I've outgrown it, but because of a long story that if you want an answer to, send me a message. Since I also have life stuff going on besides wanting to finish Shattered Pieces and a story called Changing the Ballgame on, I can't promise there'll be much more to this book. But as for right now, I want to celebrate us as a fandom!

So without further ado, my first chapter in this collection in what seems like forever,

One time he tries to impress you


Jack is such a sweetheart when it comes to the small things in life. Being his other half seriously helps you appreciate the simple things in life more than you already did.

You challenge him to see the silver linings, the bigger picture. And he challenges you to zoom in and notice the details. It's a beautiful dynamic that makes you both better individuals.

If someone asked you how Jack impresses you each and every day, you'd be inclined to answer his compassion and his perspective on what makes life worth living.

If that same person asked you to name a time when you knew hands down that Jack was trying to impress you, the answer would have to be the time he bake you a birthday cake.

Reason being, he doesn't generally do so good in the kitchen, but somehow he managed to make an edible cake. It wasn't amazing by any means, but it was definitely something you could eat. Besides, it was the thought that counts.


There is very little about David Jacobs that isn't impressive, from the most innocent things to the least innocent things, that man is some kind of extraordinary being. Sure he's a bit of a rule follower, but the fact that he led a strike kind of negates that in your mind.

Sure he had countless flaws, some annoying you to no end, but he was the love of your life and no one could convince you that he wasn't the sweetest, most incredible person in your life.

You always knew he could sing, but he was fairly self conscious about singing in front of anyone, even you. And considering you'd been married for 2 years now, you would have thought some of that would have ebbed away, but you didn't let that upset you.

He knew that you were dying to hear him sing after Jack had let slip that he could, and so to impress you for your second wedding anniversary, he, with his face all red and adorable, sang the song that you had been singing when you first meet. If you said you didn't cry, you'd be lying. It was one of the most pure and sweet things ever, and he knew you really appreciated it. Needless to say, that night was incredible.

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