Multiple tags

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Alrighty, I've been tagged in three of these babies...

yourbrothercrutchie tagged me in this back in January...

yourbrothercrutchie tagged me in this back in January

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Soooo here we go

1) I don't really have a nickname, unless you count when my siblings were little and we came up with nicknames for each other that lasted for a week because they were different German foods...I was potato yeah.

2) my eyes are blue, very blue.

3) my hair is light brown, but I died it red in November, and I loved it, but my mom won't let me do it again :(

4) One fact about me is that I think I'm funny, but hardly any one else agrees XD

5) my favorite colour is purple or gray

6) my favorite place is just about anywhere, I'm not very picky

7) see here's the thing, I really don't have a favorite celebrity in the movie star sense. But my favorite famous person who other people know about thanks to media, would probably have to be Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Her work with the poor is such an inspiration to me as a student nurse. And then there's Lin Manuel Miranda...he's a celebrity, right?

8) my favorite animal would have to be small dogs, sheep, or hedgehogs XD

9) there is no way in this earth to pick a favorite song period.

10) again, no way I can pick my favorite book! There's just so many of them in the words of Charles Lee XD

Ok, I'm just going to tag people later, ok, good!

Now, this one... I was tagged by HittheDarkwan yourbrothercrutchie and AwesomeIcewing

Do I like someone?
Ok, so these questions had to have been written by a middle schooler, no offense, but yeah. So yeah, I like multiple people, and they are my friends. I love my friends! But if you mean do I like like someone? I'm kinda thinking I do, but it might just be because we're best friends, I'm not sure right now.

Do they like me back?
Like I said, we're best friends, so who knows.

Middle name:
Pen middle name is Elizabeth like I've stated before.

Single or Taken?
When you're in Nursing school, you are in a hard core relationship with school, so there's that.

Girl best friend:
In real life, a sweet girl from school.

Guy best friend:
bobcat5009 yeah, I think I've covered this before, but we meet in real life then found out we both have wattpad.

Favorite OTP:
I don't even know, but honestly, probably Motel and Tzeitel from fiddler on the roof.

Last person I texted:

Last song I listened to:
I feel the earth move from Beautiful: The Carole King musical

Battery percentage:

Lock screen:
Can't show you, but it's me and another friend of mine goofing off in Chicago.

Reason I made Wattpad:
It was so long ago, I forgot.

What the hay June 12th

Tag 20:
Again, I'll tag later...

Ok, this is the last one...I don't think I have a picture of me dancing except for a musical and there is a lot of faces beside mine, so I can't afford to post that. Any who... I was tagged by yourbrothercrutchie and AwesomeIcewing

...13 facts about me has to be posted within a week or you have to post a picture of you dancing apparently then tag 15 people...

1) I listen to musicals to and from school because it's an hour drive one way, so I listen to lots of musicals!

2) I'm going to be able to see Hamilton with bobcat5009 April 4th, and we're both super excited about it!

3) I'm getting an A in Pharmacology right now, That is like one of my greatest accomplishments XD

4) I'm helping backstage for The Wizard of Oz, which is super neat!

5) I recently watched and stared listening to the Rent soundtrack, and I'm in love! I cried for a couple weeks because of Angel's death and impact on the rest of the characters!

6) Beautiful: The Carole King Musical soundtrack is AMAZING! It's one of my favorites, y'all should listen to it!

7) I still have terrible acne...

8) I need my glasses prescription updated.

9) my favorite soda is cherry Pepsi tied with McDonald's Coke...ironic I know

10) I love writing so much, but school always seems to slow my creative process.

11) only one more year till I'm a nurse! Scary right?!

12) I'm not scared of much, but I'm terrified of ending up in an abusive relationship.

13) I'm an amazing cook and baker!

I know that was lame, but oh well *insert shrug here*

Soooo now for the tags, do the 13 facts one and either or both of the others.


If you're still here, you should check out my new book Shattered Pieces

Ok, I'm done now!

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