7 | The Price We Pay

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"Justin, what happened? Justin, look at me

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"Justin, what happened? Justin, look at me. What happened?"

"It was-it was something stupid. I just got into a fight outside of McIntyre's with this...I broke this guy's nose, I think. Right?" I checked his hands.

"What'd you hit him with?"


"Your knuckles aren't bruised."

"I just..I cracked him with- I got him with an elbow, real good."

"Justin, what's going on?" He stopped to look at me.

"Hey, listen, I shouldn't have come here. It was a mistake."

"No, come on."

"It's just like I said. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you in on this, okay? I don't even know what I was thinking." He headed for the door.

"Justin! Ju-" He rushed out, slamming the door.

I tried calling his cell but he didn't answer. I went to bed in hopes that he'd turn up tomorrow.

The next morning, I woke up, checking my cell. I had no missed calls. Heading to work, I looked for Voight's car before I entered the building.

"Hey, Olinsky, department's pushing back on these expense reports you turned in. 27 bucks for Powerade? Not covered." Trudy said.

"You owe me 27 bucks." Al said to Ruzek.

"No, no, no. Nobody told me that we got to go out of pocket on stakeouts."

"Is that so? Order some caviar and lobster tails next time, then."

"What's all this?" Al gestured towards the camera.

"New photo I.D. cards in the district."

"There's no way you're getting my face on a badge."

"Well, the locks aren't gonna work without the new I.D., Alvin."

"Okay, here, get your camera ready." He said as he walked up the stairs.

"You got it?"

"Hey, Turner and Hooch, get over here. Anastasia, you're up." Trudy called out to Kim and Kevin.

"Trudy, please call me Ana."

"Anastasia, picture, now. Get your butt on the X." I stood on the X, looking at the camera.

"Alright, just look up for me, turn your head that way. And one, two, three..perfect." she said as she snapped the picture.

"You wanna see it?"



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