Chapter 26: I'm Venus, You're Mars...but We're Both in the Milky Way?

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Recap:   I felt our harmonies come together almost perfectly, like every run-though we’ve had. We took a risk tonight, and I really hoped it paid off, because I thought it sounded great. Logan looked at me, and then he picked me up and spun me around. “That was great!!!” he yelled over the eruption of cheers and screaming. I heard one voice above the rest, and I searched the audience to find it. I saw Parker clapping and screaming my name. He still had on his same outfit, just now he had a beanie on and sunglasses. I guess he didn’t want to be swarmed by fan girls. I waved to him and he blew kisses from where he was standing and bowed down to me. I laughed like crazy until Aaron settled down the audience. He led to the judges for their critiques and opinions. I needed to text Parker later, because his support meant a lot to me. Parker’s eyes were gleaming at me, and now so was Logan’s. What now?


I was face first in my pillow, as I breathed in heavily. I felt a bit of relief as I flipped onto my back, inspecting the popcorn textured ceilings. The yellow wall made this room seen warmer than it was. I heard my phone ring from the desk in the corner of the room. I shuffled my way through the bundle of sheets I was in. I got my foot stuck and fell face first on the floor. I rubbed my knee as I staggered to my ringing phone. I was hoping that Parker’s face would be plastered on the caller ID, but instead it was Logan’s ridiculous picture he put of himself from the photo shoot. Isn’t he already home? I swear I saw him before I locked myself in here.

“To what do I owe the pleasure…” I said playfully. I knew he wouldn’t take me too seriously.

            “Hi to you too, Sam.” He chuckled on the other side of the line.

“Please tell me you know what time it is.” I looked at the clock on the wall. 2:23 a.m.

“Yup.” His voice sounded husky like he was laying down with his phone between his face and a pillow.

“And aren’t you home?” I sighed a bit, the tiredness now settling in.

“Yup. Two for two, sweetheart.” I laughed a bit but rolled my eyes. I’ve gotten used to his kind of humor and terms of endearment.

“So…did you want something?” I asked as I fiddled with the phone, making sure it was unplugged from the wall.

“No.” The phone went silent a little bit. No???  “I just felt like talking to you.” My corner of lips curled up a bit, and I made my way back to my bed to lay down.

“Ok, so what’s up? I feel although we are literally two rooms apart we haven’t talked as much lately. What’s new Mr. Edwards?”

            “Well, nothing much, besides for hanging with Chloe…” He seemed to trail off when he got to her name. I figured there must be something going on.

            “Trouble in paradise?”

            “I don’t know Sam, she’s just not who I thought she was. We don’t do anything together that I like. I don’t think she even likes me for me, just for my devilishly good looks.” I couldn’t help but scoff at his blunt but joking comment. He laughed a little after me until he continued what he was saying. “The weird thing is that she may actually like me, but I could never like her in the way she likes me, and that’s selfish.”

            “Ah, I see... Well…if you’re unhappy, why not break up with her?” I asked, trying to reasonably analyze the situation. I really wanted him to be happy, he needed it way more than me. He needs on bright thing in his tragedy of woes and disasters he calls life.

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