Chapter 8: What I Know is Nothing

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Logan: Ah, so I finally got your attention sweetheart. I obviously didn’t get her drunk, that was all her. You’re her best friend, you seriously need to watch her. I just wanted you to finally respond to me. I can’t believe it took a lie for you to actually give me a couple minutes of your time. It’s like you’re the president or something, god. Anyways-

And that’s as far as I read of his text. He’s an even worse person that before, and I was actually, maybe going to give him a chance, but now, that’s never going to happen


       I woke up the next morning with a body laying to the side of me, snoring slightly as I reached for my water bottle near my bed. Nicki was still passed out and it was already 9:15. I got into the shower and stood under the cool falling water.

     All of a sudden it went extremely hot and I jumped away from the water as I screamed. I heard a low chuckle come from right outside the bathroom door. Luke. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my soapy body, turned off the piping hot water, and opened the door. I looked with him with a slight annoyed expression. He laughed louder this time, not able to contain himself.

    “What?” he feigned innocence.

    “Really Luke?” I asked with my arms wrapped around me.

    “I had to use the bathroom!” he tried convincing me.

    “You have your own bathroom!”

    “Yeah but-”

    “No buts mister.” I cut him off. “No more cinnamon waffles for you.” I smirked.

    “What?!? That’s not fair Sam!” he whined. I smiled, satisfied with myself. “Those are my favorite!!!”

    “Luke, leave your sister alone!” our dad yelled from the kitchen.

    “Fine.” Luke groaned and I gave him a sugar sweet smile. I locked the bathroom door and started up my shower again so I can finish rinsing off the now non foamy soap.

    When I finished my not so peaceful shower I went to my closet and put on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I wasn’t planning on doing much today, maybe just chill out with the band. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and threw it in the toaster. My dad was at the counter, meticulously going through a stack of mail.

    “What’s that?” I asked him.

    “Um, nothing honey. Don’t worry about it.”

    “Dad, you can tell me.” I told him. He looked like he was contemplating his next decision.

    “It’s alright Sam, nothings wrong. It’s just bills, no big deal, alright?” he answered me a bit coldly.

    “I know it’s not nothing.” I stated with a mutual feeling and then left the kitchen slightly upset at him.

    I don’t understand why he won’t tell me. I can handle it. It’s like he doesn’t trust me anymore, we used to actually be close, and now lately we’ve been drifting apart. I was going to find what was up on my own if he wasn’t going to tell me. I have a plan…now I just have to wait for the perfect time, so I’ll let it slide for now and move on with life.


    Nicki finally woke up and decided that we should go out. I was all for the beach, and she wanted to go to the mall. We played rock-paper-scissors to see what our plan would be (yes…we are still very childish). My rock smashed her scissors and the beach it is.

     I texted a couple people like Kelly, Ryan, Evan, Chris, Kelsey, and some others to meet us there in a half an hour. I pulled on a blue bikini top and short bottoms. Nicki grabbed her spare swim suit she left here from my pajama drawer. She fumbled through it tossing everything out of place. She saw a piece of paper and took it out. She then unfolded it and started laughing like crazy.

    “What’s that?” I asked.

    “Don’t act like you don’t know.” she teased.

    “Know what?” I questioned even more confused than before.

    “It’s your list of what you like in a guy! How come I’ve never seen this before!!” I tried to grab the paper out of her hand but she kept it out of my reach. She started to read off my list. Great. “What I Like in A Guy by Samantha Collins.”

    “No, no, no, no, Nicki!! Please don’t!!” I pleaded and tried covering my ears.

    “He has to be tall, smart, handsome, fun, outgoing, artsy, open-minded, nice, challenging (sometimes), knows more about me than I do, and likes me for me.” she read carefully and smirked at my reaction. I started to blush a little and she took that to her advantage. “Aww, Sammy, look at you.” she continued teasing. “That’s so cute” and she tapped my nose.

    “Why Nicki, why?” I exhaled sharply.

    “You know…Logan has a lot of your criteria, you know that? He‘s handsome for one, and he‘s tall.”

    “No he doesn’t…read it carefully…I obviously wrote N-I-C-E. He’s not nice. He’s a vindictive, liar Nicki.” I expressed clearly. I knew he said he knew me better than anyone else…does that include myself?

    “Whatever Sam.” she said as she put on her bathing suit.

    “I invited Chris, Ryan, Kelly, and some other people to meet us at the beach.” I told Nicki.

    “Why Chris?”

    “Because, it’s the least we could do since he let us play his party.”

    “Fine.” she answered.

    “What’s with the short replies?” I asked.

    “He kissed me at the party before I got drunk.” she blurted out.


    “Yes…and now its awkward.”

    “Oh, well, you’ll have to face it eventually…if not now, then on the date you promised him.” I reminded her.

    “True…I guess its better now than later. Plus, you’ll be there. You need to be there the entire time, ok?”

    “Yeah sure, no problem, why are you so worried Nicki? It was just a kiss, right?” I said while I was packing a bag with sunscreen and water.

    “He was my first kiss Sam.”


Sooo....what do you think???? Thanks for reading :)

I know it's a bit short...the following ones will be a lot longer I promise

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