Chapter 14: Feel The Rush as I Choke

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       After hours at the food truck bonanza, we drove back to Ms. Annie’s house pretty quietly, exhausted from all of the intense food eating. When we pulled into the driveway we said our goodbyes until Saturday.

    “Bye sweetheart.” he said as I unlocked my car. His pet names really annoyed me.
    “Bye.” I stared at him and then pulled out of the driveway and headed home.


    Saturday finally arrived and I was starting to get a little nervous. Auditions started at 11 a.m. so both Logan and I had to be there for 9:30 for sign in and to get  a good slot. Right now it’s seven and I thought I would wake up Nicki by calling her.

    “Hey, morning sleeping beauty.” I greeted her. I heard an annoyed moan on the other side of the phone.
    “Morning.” she grumbled. “What do you want at this ungodly hour?” she asked with a raspy voice.
    “Tell me you’ll come to the audition with Logan and I today. Pleeease Nicki.” I pleaded. The line went silent for awhile and then she finally gave me an answer.
    “Fine. I’ll be over at your house in about 40 minutes or so. You better be making me breakfast.”
    “Yup! You’re the best.” I replied.
    “Yeah, and don’t you forget it.” she laughed and then hung up with me.

    I jumped into the shower and put on an outfit that I thought showed my personality and style. I even straightened my hair out again. I headed towards the kitchen and I started the batter for buttermilk waffles. My phone beeped with a text message from Logan.

Logan: Hey cutie, should I come by to pick you up for the audition or do you want to meet there?

Me: Uh, yeah you can pick me up. Saving the planet one car at a time, lol. Btw, is it alright if Nicki comes a long for support? If you come over early you can have waffles if you want
Logan: Sure, no prob ;) and I wouldn’t want to miss out on those so-called-famous waffles, so I’ll be there.

    By the time I finished the last batch of waffles, the doorbell rang. I ran to open it and was greeted by my smiling best friend. Her smile turned into a flat look.

    “What are you wearing?” she said with no emotion whatsoever.
    “What are you talking about?” I looked down at my outfit I had on. I thought I looked fine.
    “You’re clothes. It isn’t audition material.” I shrugged my shoulders.
    “Why not?” I asked, slightly offended at my fashion choices.
    “You need to stand out, Sam. Be different.” She said making her way into the kitchen.
    “But not too different, because then I won’t be who I am.” I added in, passing her a plate and maple syrup. Maybe Nicki was right, I needed to change and trade out pieces of my outfit. I headed back to my room to re-vamp my clothes.

    I looked in the mirror. I had a grey cardigan over a nice, dressy, peach, lace sleeveless top. I was wearing dark wash skinny jeans and I planned on wearing gold sandals. According to Nicki, I was being too safe. I traded my cardigan for a my black leather jacket and a short black heels instead of the sandals. The peach top I left alone because it softened up the look. I re-looked at myself after the wardrobe change and I thought I looked a little unlike me, but I could learn to own it. I liked it. I hope Nicki would approve.

    I walked back into the kitchen to see not only Nicki stuffing her face with waffles, but Logan too. He turned around and his eyes lit up.

    “Wow cutie, you look hot!” he exclaimed. I narrowed my eyes at him and scowled to cover up a slight tinge of pink on my cheeks. He turned back around to face his waffles. Nicki gave me a knowing look, and before I could respond to his comment I was interrupted. I checked him out for a second, glancing at his actually neat dark hair, slightly open-buttoned crème Henley with a black open vest over it. He was wearing a chain necklace and his leather bracelet on his right hand. He wore dark, slightly distressed jeans and I saw Nike sneakers by the door. His beanie was tucked in his back pocket.

    “Sam, you look amazing! Now that’s how it’s done. Edgy but soft, sultry but sophisticated” Nicki explained as she pointed at parts of my outfit. I laughed as she was picking at my leather jacket
    “Thanks Nicki.” I smiled in her direction and gave Logan a dirty look. The corners of his mouth started to grin a little. I grabbed a plate for myself from the cupboard and laid a waffle on my plate. I smeared peanut butter on it and ate it pretty fast. Nicki washed her and Logan’s plate, and when finished I washed mine.
    “Do you have snacks and drinks to take while we wait for the audition?” Logan asked, already looking through our pantry.
    “Wow, no need to ask or anything, right?” I said sarcastically. Logan paid no mind to my comment and took out bags of chips, cookies, and granola bars and piled them on the island. He then moved to the fridge and took out water, Gatorade, and vitamin water. Nicki handed him a cooler bag and threw all of the snack items inside of it.

    I looked at the time on the microwave and it was 8:30. We would need to leave here within the next 15 minutes to make it to the Miami convention center in time.
    “Alright, we should start loading your car, Logan.” I said and he grabbed his keys from the counter. I picked up my guitar case and put on my heels.
    “Yes ma’am” he mock saluted and opened the front door. “Ladies first.” he gestured and let Nicki go first. “Now cool people.” He slammed the door in my face. I opened it up with force not knowing he was putting pressure on the other side so I flew back onto my butt. He laughed hysterically.
    “Ha-Ha, It’s not funny.” I said slightly angry at him. “Did I ever tell you how nice you are?” I asked as we stepped into the elevator.
    “Nope. How nice am I?” he asked conceitedly.
    “Very.” I said with high sarcasm in my voice. He picked up on it and chuckled as we walked to his car.

     Nicki was wandering the garage aimlessly trying to determine which was Logan’s car. He unlocked it from his key chain and her eyes lit up in the direction the flash of the lights came from. She admired the car from a distance and she caught my gaze and I gave her the look to stop drooling. She rolled her eyes and jumped into the back seat. Logan put our snacks next to Nicki and he made his way into the driver’s seat. He opened his trunk and I laid my guitar in there. I got into the passenger seat and put on my shades.

    “What is it with girls and large sunglasses?” Logan asked, addressing both Nicki and I who had huge, what my brother calls, 'goggles'. I looked back at my best friend and she shrugged.
    “Um, it adds mystery I guess.”  I answered, kind of unsure. “Guys want to know what’s behind the glasses. It grabs attention.”
    “Oh, I just think it covers up a babe’s beauty.” he said as he got onto the highway.

    I settled into my seat, enjoying the music that he had on at the moment. I took a glance back and saw Nicki passed out all over the snacks. I smiled at her and went back to looking out the window. About 50 minutes later we finally pulled into the parking lot of the Miami convention center. I woke Nicki up and got out of the car. I stretched a little, and then grabbed the snack cooler. I looked at the time on my phone and Logan did the same, 9:30. What!!! 9:30!!! Crap. We need to run.

    “Shit. Sam, we’re late. It’s 9:30 now!” He yelled at me. “We need to run!” He panicked. My heart was racing and I was hoping we weren’t too late.
    “Go ahead, leave the cooler, and I’ll catch up.” Nicki rushed us.

    Logan grabbed my hand and started sprinting toward the check in area with My guitar in my other hand. Although he was only 3 inches taller than me, he was pulling me like I was a rag doll. What a day to wear heels. I would be able to keep up if I wasn’t wearing them today. Ugh!! The story of my life. My heart was pounding faster and harder. The sound filled my ears with deep booming. It felt like it were about to explode between the adrenaline and the running.

    We finally made it to the table to be greeted by a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties. They were packing up when Logan went over to her.

    “Uh, excuse me miss.” he said in a deep voice. She looked at him, and her eyes softened. She flipped her straight hair over her shoulder.
    “Hi!” she answered.
    “I really wanted to audition for this show, and I got stuck in traffic. Is there any way that I could get a slot?”
    “Well, I shouldn’t” she replied, twirling her dirty blond hair around her finger. “How old are you?” I laughed at how gullible she was to fall for him so easily. All he did was raise a finger and she was wrapped around it.
    “I’m 19.” Logan replied in a suave voice.
    “Is that your girlfriend?” she asked pointing to me with a disgusted look on her face. Usually I would be offended, but the fact that she thought I was Logan’s girlfriend was appalling enough already.
    “Oh her, hell no.” he said smoothly. He gave her a smile, and she caved in a little.
    “Sure, here you go cutie.” she said handing him two sets of paperwork, two audition tags, and a small piece of paper with writing scribbled on it. “Call me.”
    “Thanks so much Shannon.” he smiled as he read her name tag. He winked at her and then walked over to me. Did I just witness that. He flirted with her for an audition. Wow…such a player…

    “Soo, what do you think, sweetheart?” he asked as he pinned my audition number to my jacket.
    “I think you’re a player.” I said seriously. He cocked one eyebrow at me. “And that she was so desperate.” He laughed this time, and we got in line with the rest of everyone.

    I saw Nicki walking up to us and waving. She joined us in line and we just waited for our turn. My nerves kicked in and the butterflies in my stomach started to flutter. I tried taking deep breaths and what my mom would tell me if she were here. I know she would say “Sam, calm down. No need to be nervous. You’re great. Just believe in yourself.” I tried to focus but I wasn’t in the zone. It was getting to me and my deep breaths started to get deeper. Hours started to pass and Nicki said she was going to the bathroom. I closed my eyes and opened them back up to be greeted by a concerned face.

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