Chapter 7: You'll Never Be What I Want

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Recap: I crawled into bed and looked at the time on my phone. Before I rested it down a new text message came in from an unknown number.

Unknown: So honey, did you like my performance? ;)

Where the hell did he get my number??? Now I’m being phone stalked…great…


The next morning I woke up to the sound of puking from my living room. I jumped up to see Nicki face-first in the trash can. I laughed a little bit at the sight. Who knew that Nicki out of all people would be having a hangover.

    “Hey Sam” she greeted me before she doubled back over the can.

    “Good morning to you too.” I replied as I scrunched up my face in disgust of the smell. I walked over to her and pulled back her hair and rubbed her back until she was done. She smiled at me, and I handed her a napkin.

    “What happened last night?” she asked

    “What do you mean what happened?”

    “I don’t remember a thing…I just had a couple drinks but I can’t remember anything.” she said with her eyebrows bunched.

    “Oh…ok…well do you remember flirting with those jocks last night? I heard you were strip-teasing them. I’m so glad you didn’t get on a table and start dancing.” I said lied smoothly. Her eyes widened in disbelief at what I was telling her.

    “Are you serious! Did I really do that Sam?” she said, running her hands over her face. “I’m dead…I’m so, so dead…My parents are going to kill me if they find out! Please just tell me I didn’t…I didn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything with any of the jocks, right?” he eyes were pleading. I started laughing a little at her anxiety.

    “Nicki, you didn’t do anything last night…or at least I don’t think so. I grabbed you as soon as I saw you and then we sat by the pool before I brought you here.” I answered her honestly. Her face started to show slight anger, then relief after comprehending what I was actually telling her.

    “You’re such a jerk Sam!! You had me so worried for a second there!!!” she yelled at me while she slapped my arm. I continued laughing at her and she soon joined in. “You’re a good friend…but I still hate you.”

    “I know” I smiled.

    “I’m never, ever, drinking that much again.” she stated. I raised my eyebrow at that fact. “Ok, ok, so that’s a bit of an overstatement.” she corrected.

    “No kidding.” I said sarcastically.

    I decided to make us some breakfast, taking into consideration my dad and Luke. I pulled out a kick-ass recipe for double-chocolate chocolate chip muffins. The key is to use Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips, not that cheap semi-sweet stuff that comes in pre-made items.

    Nicki sat down at the counter while I was adding ingredients to a large metal bowl in the middle of our island. Flour, white sugar, brown sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder, oil, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, an egg, and milk were carefully measured and mixed together. The milk chocolate chips were then stirred in the batter. I pre-heated the oven to 400 degrees and panned off the muffins one by one. I threw the pans into the oven and let it bake for about 20 minutes.

    The house started to fill with the aroma of freshly baked goods when Luke came sleep-walking into the kitchen and took a seat next to Nicki. He smiled at the scent of what I was making. My dad, not even a few minutes later arose and joined us all.

    “Good morning everyone!” my dad said brightly.

    “Yeah…morning” all three of us replied out-of sync.

    He moved by me and put the coffee maker on to brew. Nicki grabbed some orange juice and milk out of the fridge while Luke got mugs and glasses from the cupboard. The muffins finished baking and I pulled them carefully out of the oven. We all gathered and took our usual spots at the table where plates were set up.

   I put the muffins in the middle of the table and took a seat between Luke and Nicki. Within minutes of me putting the muffins on the table, half of them were gone! Luke’s satisfied face while dipping his muffin in his milk was funny. He was exaggerating each movement and the apartment cried out in a laughing fit. I haven’t had this much fun as a family in awhile (yes, Nicki is like part of the family).


    Later on in the day, Luke went to hang out with Kelsey, which left me and Nicki. We went into my room and laid on my bed. My phone went off again for about the hundredth time today.

Unknown: Why are you ignoring me cutie?

Unknown: You know you liked what you saw up there ;)

Unknown: Come on sweetheart, you know you can’t resist me. I can see it in your eyes.

Those were only some of them, but the last one really pushed me off the edge.

Unknown: I understand you better than anyone one else…even you’re gullible best friend. How else do you think she managed to get so drunk.

He helped Nicki get drunk. The same girl who was nice to almost everyone was manipulated by this egotistical, arrogant jerk. He gave and encouraged her naïve self to have just “one more drink”. I’m going to kill him, seriously. This is worse than just making fun of me, he really could’ve hurt someone. How stupid could Logan get. What does he really want? Ugh!!! I texted him back out of anger.

Me: Did you really do that to Nicki?!? Are you crazy?? You could’ve killed her, you know? How could your arrogant self be that stupid and self absorbed!!!

Satisfied with my mini-rant, I sent it immediately. He texted back in less than a minute

Logan: Ah, so I finally got your attention sweetheart. I obviously didn’t get her drunk, that was all her. You’re her best friend, you seriously need to watch her. I just wanted you to finally respond to me. I can’t believe it took a lie for you to actually give me a couple minutes of your time. It’s like you’re the president or something, god. Anyways-

And that’s as far as I read of his text. He’s an even worse person that before, and I was actually, maybe going to give him a chance, but now, that’s never going to happen.


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