Chapter 6: We Found Hate In a Hopeless Place

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More of the party!!!


Recap: I started looking closely for Nicki. I could barely see as I made my way through tons of people standing by the pool. I started walking faster until someone, who I must mention felt like a brick wall, walked directly into me. I felt a cool liquid plaster onto my shirt. His drink spilled all over my top and since it was white, it was now see through. Great.


    “Aren’t you going to apologize!!!” I yelled at the guy not looking at his face. I was more focused on getting the stain out of my brand new shirt.

    “Do I have to?” he said through a low chuckle. My face started to fume.

    “Are you kidding me?!?! Who do you think you are!?!?” I said this time looking at him. I jumped in surprise of the beanie boy in front of me and narrowed my eyes at him. He saw the furious look on my face and started to laugh.

    “You look so funny when you’re angry.” he barely made out coherently.

    “You’re such a jerk Logan!” I said as I hit his chest.

    “Ah, so you got my little message, sweetheart.” he said in his low voice. I found it hard not to shiver at the sound. “So, why haven’t you called me?”

    “What are you even doing here?” I asked out of frustration from the pet name. “And I haven’t called you because I don’t like you. I didn’t want to talk to you.”

    “Number one, I’m here cutie pie, because I’m a friend of Chris’s brother, Shane, not because I‘m stalking you, so don’t flatter yourself too much. And two, ouch…that hurt again.” I rolled my eyes at this stupid, petty argument, and another nickname, really? “By the way, you weren’t terrible out there tonight.”

    “Thanks…” I said a bit skeptically of receiving close to a complement. He smiled a little. God, he had a great smile. “What do you want from me?” I asked still annoyed.

    “From you, nothing.”

    “Then why-” I started.

    “I’m going to prove to you that I’m more than this.” he said cutting me off. What did he mean by ‘more than this’?

    “More than wh-” I tried asking.

    “You’ll see” he said as he put one of his fingers over my mouth, motioning me to be quiet. “I understand you better than anyone else.” he said. His hazel eyes looked down at me with mystery.

    “What makes you say that? You know nothing about me.” I said keeping eye contact. He shrugged then walked a few feet away from me. I reached out to grab his arm for an answer but he picked up his pace.

    “Bye sweetheart!” he yelled once he was far away. A satisfied look crossed his face as I gave him a stare.

    After he was out of sight I laughed to myself. As much as I hated him, he was so hard not to like. He has everything going for him. Arrogant, yes, but that just means he’s a challenge. You don’t understand how much I’m hoping what he said was true again. Maybe there is more to him than on the surface. Nicki finally walked by me and I grabbed her arm.

    “Hey Sam!” she greeted, slightly slurring.

    “What happened to you?” I freaked out, since I’ve never seen her drunk.

    “I’m fine, I’m fine.” she staggered as she tried to assure me she was ok.

    “No you’re not Nicki! Come and sit down. I’ll stay with you for a little.” I said leading her towards a chair near the pool.

    Before I knew it I head a voice call out over the microphone that we had set up earlier.

    “Hey everyone! I’m Logan, and I want to dedicate this song to my cutie pie, you know who you are. Maybe in your world there are guys like this. ” He said with a wink. All of the girls screamed and gathered towards where he was singing. I started to blush a little knowing he was going to dedicate a song to me. I heard slight sarcasm in his voice…although he covered it up quickly with his signature smile. I looked towards him and listened to the guitar riff he started with. I held my breath hoping he wasn’t actually doing this.          

He sang:

You’re insecure, don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the door. Don’t need makeup to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough.

Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you.

Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the group it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know. Oh, Oh, You don’t know you’re beautiful. If only you saw what I could see. You’d understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe. You don’t know, oh, oh.  You don’t know you’re beautiful, oh, oh, That’s what makes you beautiful…

    He looked at me and smirked as he sang the rest of the song. He was mocking me. I could imagine him saying, “You wish you had a guy like this, right girly? But, unfortunately for you, he doesn’t exist. Welcome to the real world.” 

    I’m so pissed right now!!! Is he serious? He couldn’t just express this face to face, he had to do it in front of everyone. I grabbed Nicki’s hand.

    “Where are going?” she giggled.

    “Anywhere but here.” I replied through clenched teeth. I was getting out of here.

    I grabbed my guitar, got Nicki’s keys and jumped into her car, dragging her into the passenger seat. I started it up and drove directly home. We finally made it up to the apartment and I set Nicki down very carefully on the sofa, and then threw a sheet over her. I also put the trash can next to her just in case she throws up.

       I then headed to my room to change and put on some pajamas. I crawled into bed and looked at the time on my phone. Before I rested it down a new text message came in from an unknown number.

Unknown: So honey, did you like my performance? ;)

Where the hell did he get my number??? Now I’m being phone stalked…just great…


Song Used: What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

No offense to any 1D fans, this song was just necessary for this scene.  


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