Chapter 18: Sexy and He Knows It...

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Recap:   We picked out our bags and was greeted by a man in a suit with a card that said: Samantha Collins, Logan Edwards, and Accompanying Adults.  

    “I guess that’s us.” Logan said pointing to a man standing next to a limo. I raised my eyebrows in awe and Aunt Sasha had the biggest grin on her face as she pulled us toward the long vehicle. Paparazzi from the Sing It! show bombarded us with photos as I got into the big black car. Am I living the celebrity life already?


    We settled into the seats and I closed my eyes and put my head back. I let out a deep breath and felt my heart pounding in my chest. What am I getting myself into? Inside the limo there was a familiar face smiling at us.

    “Hi, Logan, Sam, Sasha.” Noah said.

    “Noah!!!” I flailed my arms around his neck and he returned the embrace.

    “Sup bro.” Logan addressed Noah coolly. When I let go of Noah, he jumped forward, giving Logan a surprise hug. He returned it with a confused face, but when completely comprehended what was going on, Noah had already pulled away and gave him a ‘why-don’t-you-love-me’ look.

    “Aren’t you going to introduce me to the pretty lady over there.” Noah asked Logan, gesturing to my aunt.

    “Yeah, of course. That’s Sasha, Sam’s aunt.” Logan answered him.

    “Well, hello to you.” Logan said smoothly as he picked up her hand. She gave him back a smile, and he gave her his teasing smirk.

    “Why do you have so many cute friends Sam?” My aunt asked me and the blood rushed to my cheeks a little. I tried to make it go away, so I tried to turn it into a joke.

    “You think they’re cute? I think they’re annoying…” I said, looking at my nails. They feigned hurt and Logan just gave me a knowing devilish grin. “You don’t know them Aunt Sasha. They make my life a living hell sometimes.” I said, laying my hand on her shoulder.

    “Well, I’ll find out… When I’m rooming with you guys!” She said excitedly.

    “Wait, guys and girls can room with each other?” I asked Noah, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

    “Yes, they can, and are supposed to.” Noah answered me. Logan gave me his signature smile and let out a low chuckle. I gave him back something worse than a death glare. He laughed and mouthed that I look funny when I’m angry. I thought I would have time to be alone and now I have to see him every second of my day and night. 24-7 for the next few weeks. That’s just great…dad will be thrilled…not.  “Apparently it’s ok because there is an adult in all of the pair’s rooms. The producers said that there aren’t any pairs that don’t have an underage contestant, so we are allowed to do this.” He finished saying, obviously reading my mind. I was about to ask why.

    “That’s great!! Right, Sam?” Logan said, laughing his ass off next to me. “And I get to get to know your beautiful aunt.” He smiled and returned it with a sarcastic one.

    “Just peachy.” I rolled my eyes and Aunt Sasha laughed a little.

    The limo was making it’s way to the hotel and I was surrounded by what we call the west coast. Los Angeles is pretty and the views have been amazing so far. Although I was used to the South Florida beauty of the east coast, California has its own uniqueness.

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