Chapter 35: Just a Day, Just an Ordinary Day...Trying to Get By

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A/N: Well, I know it's been a ver, very long time, but I've had writers block trying to make sure that I set up everything for the ending of the story...its almost there...I don't know when yet, but I do plan on writing a spin off from a different character's POV over the summer when I actually have a lot of time to devote to writing, because school is first for me, and it's been very very hectic and busy and will  be for the next two months or so. I hope that another day when I don't have homework I can write again since I'm back in the mindset.

Recap: “Soo!!! Samantha, Logan, how do you feel?” Aaron poked a microphone in my face. I was overcome with tons of rushing emotions, mostly shock and realization of how my life would actually change. This could be everything I ever wanted and more.

“Words can’t even describe how I feel right now, Aaron” was all I could reply. I was too overwhelmed and this is possibly the best night of my life.


            No. We did not do what you think we would have done that night. That’s not going to change for now whatsoever and he knew that…

            It’s been about a week since the show finished airing and the hype of our win hasn’t died down yet. My face was plastered on the front of magazines and this time, not for being the beloved pop star’s heartbreaker, but for being me. We were on our way to the airport to head back to Florida today and I was nervous. So nervous. I didn’t realize it, but the summer was almost over, and school would be starting in about 2 weeks. I was scared of how people would react to me at school or even around town. Aunt Sasha said she wanted to visit my dad and Luke so she packed another bag from her place and got into the taxi with us to the airport. Life felt good right now. We were supposed to meet with a couple reps from the Miami Base of Boltz Records to negotiate our contracts in a few days and finalize the offers and scheduling. We made it to the airport, got through security, and sat in the boarding area. Aunt Sasha took a seat across from us, but soon she was out like a light bulb. I had headphones in, but took them out to talk to Logan for a little bit.

            “Soo, ready to get back to reality?” Logan asked me.

            “Wait, so you mean we’re living in a fairyland?? And we didn’t win?” I replied teasingly.

            “You know what I mean Sam…”

            “Of course I know…and yeah, I can’t wait to sleep in my bed again. It’s been so hectic, but weirdly enough I liked being busy.” I looked down at my hands and took a deep breath.

            “Yeah, I can’t wait to take a shit in my own toilet.” Logan said only loud enough for me to hear, but I feel like the old woman on the other side of the seats behind us heard him since she cleared her throat.

            “You’re so gross.” He chuckled softly and gave me a smile.

            “No, but in all honesty, I can’t wait to be home…smell the clean fresh air…and the Hollywood schedule just burned me out.” He ran his hands over his face and stretched a little.

            “I can tell…you should see your eyes.” I looked at him a little closer. The whites of his eyes were streaked with red and the slightest stubble on his face made him appear slightly more mature than usual.

            “Yeah, probably…it’s been intense…” He scratched the back of his head and then closed his eyes for a little. When he opened them back up I took the opportunity to ask him about his plans for what comes next after this life changing experience.

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