Chapter 23: Your Dad's a Monster

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     “Uh, oh, ladies… It seems like Mr. Suave is taken.” I heard ‘awws’ from the majority of the  female population in the audience.

    “Sorry.” Logan apologized to the girls.

    “I think we all thought that you two would end up being a couple.” We awkwardly laughed and looked at each other. “What do you think people? Don’t you think they have some extreme chemistry?” he asked the audience and they screamed their responses, which for the most part was unanimous. Yes. “It seems like that’s all the time we have tonight in the hot seat, so thank you Sam and Logan!!” We were led off stage with a round of applause. What the hell just happened out there?


    As soon as we got backstage, Logan grabbed my hand and pulled me over.

    “Look, we really need to talk” he said seriously, looking straight into my eyes. His stare was intense and he looked as confused about things as I was.

    “I know we do.” I looked down at my feet and then back at him.

    “How about tomorrow morning we go down to the pool really early when no one is there.” He looked sincere about it, and that would be perfect, getting a swim in the a.m.

    “Sounds good. I like looking at the sunrise anyways.” I smiled at him.

    “Alright” he agreed with me and gave me a small smile. He took out his phone and started typing away. I wondered who he was texting so vigorously, and for so long.


    Fortunately last night we weren’t sent home. One of the younger couples who were 15 and 16 left last night. They were good, just not mature enough yet. I got up out of my bed and looked at the time on my phone. It was about 5:30 and I went over to my suitcase and changed into my swim suit. I pulled on a striped yellow and white bikini top and white swim shorts. I walked over to Logan’s room, but he wasn’t there. I assumed he already went down to the pool and was waiting for me.

   I left aunt Sasha a note on my door and jumped into the elevator to the main level. I made my way toward the pool, towel in one hand, water bottle in the next. I finally got there to be greeted by Logan sitting at one of the loungers typing at his phone, again. He had on a light blue wife beater and swim trunks.

    “Hey” he said.

    “Hey.” I didn’t know how to reply to him right now. “Soo…” I started.

    “Yeah…soo…” he repeated me. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

    “Well, I’ve been really confused lately about us” I admitted and he nodded in agreement with what I said. I sat down on the opposite lounger.

    “Same here. It’s been driving me crazy.” It’s been driving him crazy?! It’s been driving me insane!!

    “I wanna know why you freaked out so badly about Parker” I said bluntly. I really just wanted answers at this moment, no excuses.

    “Ok…look, Sam… You remember when your dad pulled me aside at the airport?” I thought about it, and I remembered wanting to know what they were talking about.

    “Uh, yeah…What about it?” I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion to what this had to do with Parker.

    “Well, he told me that I had to look out for you, and have your best intentions at heart. So when you were photographed with a stranger, it was a bit of a red flag, Sam.” His eyes softened a little, and it looked warm.

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