Chapter 34: I Couldn't Be Your Friend

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Recap: I almost stopped singing for a split second, because as confused as I was, why would he decide to change the lyrics now. I couldn’t look surprised with this twist because people will start to get suspicious. I just have to go with it, like if it were what we actually wrote. Distracted, I temporarily lost my place in the chorus, but one look at his face and I knew it. I knew that he was it for sure.


We finished the song and the audience was roaring and I heard our names being chanted as Aaron tried calming them down a bit.

“Alright, alright, settle down!” Aaron yelled into his microphone. “Let’s hear what the judges have to say.”

“Wow, oh wow… You’ve left me speechless… That was so fresh and almost on the spot, you know? I really liked it…” Thomas broke in and tried to speak over the loud crowd. The audience caught on and started clapping.

“Yes, seriously guys…is it hot in here or what!!! You guys are the kind of artists I would want to sign. Great job.” Big Tiger took a sip of his water and started to clap for us. My heart seemed to thump even louder as the adrenaline of the performance, the support from all of our fans, and the judges compliments started to register in my brain. I didn’t actually think that we, as a duo, would ever be standing up here. Logan had his arm around me, and I didn’t know what to think. I wasn’t nervous, I didn’t move away. Actually, I kind of liked it.

I knew I liked him, but maybe I just had to plunge into it, because as my mom said, it’s never easy, but you just have to trust in him. I’ve trusted Logan way more than I think I even trust myself sometimes, and now that I actually have spent time with him, and I put him onto the friend ladder fighting with myself and my emotions, would it ever be possible to ever jump over on the relationship ladder? Right now, hell yeah. I have to trust my instincts on this…why not take a chance, or I’ll never know…

“Ok, ok, call in right now to cast your votes for your favorite act of this evening. And as you do that, we have some special guest performers for you like Ne-Yo, The Script, and right off her new tour, Rihanna!!” Aaron said into the camera, and Logan and I both smiled at the cameras and asking for votes. The light went off to signal that we were off the air, and I dragged Logan by the hand like he was a little kid off stage and to the wings.

“Did you like what I did?” He asked me with a slight smirk on his face. I raised my eyebrow at him and smiled a little.

“No, you totally screwed me up!!!”

“But…but…I literally poured my heart out into that….I, I, I thought-“

“What? You thought I would think it was sweet and sensitive, and that I’d love it??” I touched his collar and then brushed his shirt front, pretending to fix a crease and I leaned up and kissed him lightly, broke it a little and then kissed him again, a little harder this time, my eyes closed for a split second. I whispered in his ear, “I loved it. Someone wise once told me that I overanalyze everything, but I know that to be happy, I can’t anymore.” I turned around, not facing him anymore to head in the direction of the wardrobe area to put on my final outfit for the results. I almost left him standing there, a slight smile on my face. I glanced back at him and he just looked at me, his eyes teasing me for more, but I walked, knowing that he’d get me back later.

I found aunt Sasha who had my outfit in her hand. She was frantically searching for me, and I didn’t even notice. I pulled on the new dress, and it was a short red dress, something that I would never dare ever wear if I didn’t have to, because you either can pull it off and it’ll look beautiful, or you could look like a slut. Hmm…no in between I guess… I walked over to the full body mirrors, and I have to admit…it wasn’t that bad, I didn’t think it’d work, but it did… I heard the backstage announcements go on and they called the finalists to the main stage. Aunt Sasha peered into the mirror and I saw her reflection.

“Wow, Samantha, you look amazing, darling.” Her tone of voice was so similar to my mother’s right now, it was almost scary. I took a deep breath, and tried to relax a little.

“Aw, thanks.”

“Look, no matter what happens out there tonight, you already won. Look at how far you’ve come.” She looked me as she touched my shoulder and fixed a piece of my hair that had gotten out of place. But, she was right…I did already win. I had Logan. He was my rock at the moment in time, and I would’ve never found that out without this whole experience.

“That’s so cliché” I said jokingly, and I smiled.

“I know, but you know what I mean.” She rolled her eyes at me and I laughed.

“Of course I do.” She had that proud mother look plastered on her face, and I couldn’t help but feel different in that moment in time. I don’t know why, but I did. I gave her a hug, and she squeezed me and then let me go, smacking my butt in the process.

“Kick some ass Sam.” I just shook my head, and walked to the wings and joined Logan. I spotted Chloe and James facing us on the other side. Chloe gave me a glare, and James gave me a comforting smile. I smiled back at him. At least he was a good competitor. I respected that. I heard the studio go quiet for a little as Aaron’s voice filled it, inviting both couples out on middle stage. We stood near each other, James with his arm around Chloe’s shoulder and Logan had his hand in mine.

“Ok, America has voted…And, your winners of SingIt are….” The room was yelling different names, the lights were dimmed to one large spotlight and the suspenseful background music was playing. My hand felt sweaty as the nervousness built up. Logan looked down at me and squeezed my hand. I tried to slow my heart rate so I closed my eyes. “Samantha and Logan!!!!!” Oh My God. We won. We won. Screaming and cheers filled the room, and I stood there in shock. Logan turned to face me.

“We did it!!! We did it Sam! We really did it.” He was so excited, and he lifted me up and gave me a huge hug.

“I, I can’t believe it!!” I looked at him, and my mind was all over the place.

“Yeah, me too!!! But, I wouldn’t share this moment with anyone else but you, Collins.” His voice was soft, and it rang in my ears, even over all of the screaming. “I love you Sam, I’ve always loved you. Always and forever.” Those three words, 1,4,3 meant more than anything in the world. You know when adults say you never know love, well, I may not know what it’s like, but this is pretty damn close.

“Likewise Mr. Edwards, likewise. I love you too.” I smiled at him and he kissed me quickly on stage in front of the entire country. I felt my stomach tingle, and I felt bubbly for one of the first times ever. We gave our competitors a hug, even Chloe, just to be civil and for the press. When things were starting to settle down Aaron came over to us.

“Soo!!! Samantha, Logan, how do you feel?” Aaron poked a microphone in my face. I was overcome with tons of rushing emotions, mostly shock and realization of how my life would actually change. This could be everything I ever wanted and more.

“Words can’t even describe how I feel right now, Aaron” was all I could reply. I was too overwhelmed and this is possibly the best night of my life.


A/N: I'm really sorry for the delay. You won't believe what kind of schedule I have with school the last month. Midterms. Projects. Homework galore...Anything you can think of, I've had to do. So, I'm really sorry :(


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