Chapter 3

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Genova's Point Of View

The whole lunch ended up being conversations involving the get to know of Matt. The whole time Cameron stared upon him, I knew Matt was uncomfortable but Cameron would not knock it off. I even tried to kick Cameron from under the table but all that achieved was looks from everyone around me.

English was the next class to come. We all walked together entering the class to see that the teacher was giving us assigned seats ' are you kidding me ' Taylor groaned ' I'm gonna compell her there's no way I'm sitting next to some weirdo that likes to pick at his feet and or nose ' Taylor said rolling up his sleeves. ' No Taylor you can't there are a lot of students here you can't risk it '

I muttered pulling at Taylor's arm to halt him.' Fine ' Taylor huffed looking around to see that the class was in fact full before dragging himself to his assigned seat. Matt and I glanced at the sheet and saw that were surprisingly put next to each other. ' Well looks like the only wierdo you'll be sitting next to is me ' Matt joked.

' Oh guess I should ask if I can change seats aye ' I joked back causing Matt's face to drop. ' Well that was quite rude Genova ' Matt chuckled following me to our seats. ' Well that's unfair why does Genova get to sit next to Matt ?! ' Taylor called out from the front where he was surrounded by the kids from the chess club.

' Mr Caniff that is because they are both new and it would be easier to speak with them both if they were both put together now please do your work ' the teacher called out passing us our syllabus. ' Well I haven't been listening to your lesson's all year so maybe you can sit me with them so while you catch them up I could also try to listen,

we're kinda on the same mind set in accordance to new ' Taylor smiled causing the teacher to become red in fury. ' You just had to poke the bear Taylor ' Shawn chuckled from the other side of the classroom.


The whole day became a blur, I mean it was the same old thing. At the end of the say we all said our goodbyes and went out seperate ways coincidently Matt and I were the only ones that walked to school and since we lived on connecting streets we walked together you could only imagine how Cameron felt about that.

' So Matt are you busy today ? ' I asked as we walked in silence. ' Uh well my family and I just unpacked the last of the boxes and since you guys are my only friends no why ? ' Matt chuckled. ' Well according to Taylor there's this party that a guy is hosting not too far from here and I was wondering if you'd like

to come with my friends and I , I feel like it'll be a good bonding experience with you ' I explained. ' Uh sure that would be great would probably kinda help with Cameron I'm pretty sure the dude doesn't like me ' Matt chuckled. ' No , he does like you ' I lied. ' Yeah I can tell by the way he shoots daggers at me with his eyes ' Matt joked. ' Tell me do you guys have a history ? ' Matt continued.

' Uh no not that I know of ' I laughed lying. ' Well either you guys have a history or he likes you cause it seems to me he's strictest with you, don't get me wrong he's protective with all you guys but you the most ' Matt said. ' Really ? ' I asked generally curious. I found what Matt said intriguing, everyone Ive ever

known has been immortal so Cameron being protective of me was no out of the ordinary since he was my mate, but seeing it from another point of view was even more interesting. I guess that's how all humans saw it. ' Well that was quite a walk you wanna come inside and have a rest ? '

I asked Matt as we stopped in front of my house. ' Yeah sure ' Matt agreed following me into the house. Upon entering I walked up the stairs straight into my room since all the others were still filled with boxes that needed to be unpacked. ' So who's party are we going to? ' Matt asked sitting on my bean bag chair.

' We're going to my buddy Johnny's Halloween party, he throws better parties each year ' I smiled ' sounds fun ' he answered. ' What do you plan on dressing as ? ' Matt asked. ' A Vampire ' I smiled bringing my costume out of the closet. ' Oh right that reminds me do you need a costume ? ' I asked. ' Uh probably seeing as I haven't been trick or treating since I was 7 so there

has been no need to buy a costume ' Matt laughed. ' Good cause at the Halloween store I was at they only had couple costumes so mine comes with this ' I explained passing Matt his costume on a rack. ' Oh wow it comes with a cape and everything, very cliche ' Matt smiled making me chuckle. ' Oh shut it you can go change in my bathroom '

I said pointing to a door straight ahead. He just nodded and went in after a few minutes the door reopened with Matt's head sticking out of it. ' Hey uh Genova I know your costume is a sexy Vampire but is mine one too seeing as there is no shirt ? ' Matt laugh coming out of the bathroom showing me his situation. I walked from my closet with the shirt that must have dropped out

earlier stopping dead in my tracks when I was met with a shirtless Matt. Didn't want to flatter him but his abs were just so defined I couldn't help but stare and so was his v line. ' Like what you see Genova, you've been staring for quite a while ? ' Matt said with a smirk. I just playfully hit his chest ' don't get too cocky Espinosa '

I answered pushing him back into the bathroom. I shook my head ripping my clothes off putting on the costume in one swift action of speed. I sat upon my makeup table starting to apply some. ' Woah ' Matt muttered behind me. ' What ? ' I asked looking at him through his reflection in the mirror. ' You look beautiful ' he said ' thanks ' I blushed continuing to apply makeup.

In doing so my timer suddenly went off from my phone making my eyes shoot up from my desk. ' Uhh what's the timer for do we have to go now ? ' Matt asked. Shit It was my time to feed. ' Uh no that's my alarm to start working out I usually do around this time of day' I lied Matt nodded shutting off the alarm. I looked back into the mirror opening my mouth to see all 4 of my

fangs were springing out of my gums aching with thirst. We had to leave now before I did anything in front of him. ' Aye Genova on the tag of my costume it came with these 2 sets of fangs Im guessing they are mine and you- I guess I was wrong ' Matt chuckled looking at my mouth. ' Oh no mine came with the same thing, maybe

they give you spares just in case they fall out during the night ' I lied. ' that is logical ' Matt said tucking one pair of the fangs into his pocket while popping the other set into his mouth. ' But woah yours look so real ' Matt muttered getting close to my face. But I pulled away just in case

he was too close to see that my fangs were pertruding from my gums. ' Okay so the party starts at 6:30 but everyone tends to go early so they can get smashed earlier so lets go ? ' I asked Matt heading down the stairs. ' Oh yeah sure, might as well since the guys texted you they are already there anyways ' Matt muttered throwing me my phone. ' Alright even better hop in the car '.

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