Chapter 52

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Matt's Point Of View

Everyone looked at me with such sadness. I walked towards Genova's body that was cold and grey. Her eyes were peacefully closed and her lips rested in a soft way

' We're so sorry Matt she died when you were transitioning, we couldn't save her ' Mahogany cried. My eyebrows were furrowed but not in confusion. They furrowed as my heart shattered in a thousand pieces. The love of my life laid there on her death bed without me by her side. As the adrenaline stopped all my emotions hit me all at once making me drop to my knees.

My lungs took in deep intakes of air as my eyes scanned over Genova's dead body. She had veins showing right through her skin as if it was transparent. Her hair was no longer healthy looking and her skin was no longer the tan shade that I always came to see.

As my eyes trailed up to her eyes. They were closed with small wet tears resting in the corners of them. I took my shaking thumb bringing it up to her face and as delicately as I could I wiped her tears away.

All our memories. All our moments. All our love flashed through my eyes filling my body with regret, pain, emptiness and sorrow, then out of no where a sudden wash of sadness over took my body making me sob violently. 

Tears streamed down my face without a care and my arms wrapped around her body bringing her body up to my lap. I looked around the room scanning everyone's eyes. ' Please tell me I'm dreaming please tell me Genova's not dead right now ' I cried looking into everyone's eyes begging them for an answer.

I turned my attention to Mahogany hoping that she would have something to say like she always did but Mahogany turned around breaking our eye contact and wrapped her arms around Taylor's body crying into his chest.

 I turned my attention back to Genova brushing her hair out of her face. ' P-Please baby you can't leave us here please wake up ' I cried clutching her body rocking back and forth. ' Please Genova please just wake up you can't leave me here. You have to wake up you just have to '  I yelled feeling helpless. 

' Genova, please ' I cried shaking her body trying to take note of any sort of body movement from her. But there was simply nothing. I closed my eyes feeling a single tear glide down my face. I took a deep breath bringing Genova's body into my chest snuggling my face into her neck. ' You promised you wouldn't leave me ' I whispered


It was a dark silent night. We laid there bundled in a blanket. Nothing could be heard but of Genova's soft breaths that filled the air as her chest heaved up and down with every breath she took. My fingers raked through her hair relaxing her body onto mine.

Our legs were tangled together like a puzzle piece with the warmth of our bodies calming us down. Genova's lashes rested upon her upper cheek and her lips were slightly parted. As I looked down at Genova's body my other hand raked her body drawing tiny shapes on it like it was a blank canvas.

Her body glowed even though we were the same colour. I was so focused on drawing shapes on her delicate body I hadn't even realised her eyes were fixed on mine. Studying me

Her eyes stared right into mine glisten; getting me lost in them. No matter how many times I looked into her eyes I fell in love with her all over again without a doubt. ' Matthew ? ' Genova whispered catching my attention. ' Yeah baby girl ? ' I whispered back bringing my hand to her face caressing it softly. ' I like you. A lot  ' she whispered making me smile. 

' I like you too, a lot more ' I whispered placing a soft kiss on her forehead Genova's expression faded away along with her smile ' why ? ' Genova suddenly asked making me confused. ' Why would you love me I-I'm a monster ' she stuttered breaking eye contact with me

Monster ?

' Why would you think of yourself as a monster ? ' I asked with my eyebrows furrow in confusion and wonder. ' I am a monster Matt that's what vampires technically are ' she whispered snuggling her head onto my chest.

' That doesn't matter Genova who cares if your a vampire you don't hurt people you cure them you don't drink from mortals you drink from animals and cure them right after and nurse them back to health why would you ever think of yourself as a monster ? ' I stated getting worked up and wanting an answer

I had no idea she felt this way I had no clue what so ever which made me feel guilty. How could someone I felt very fond of be this way about herself without me even noticing.

' I-I don't know that's just how I see myself ' she answered. I took my hand and rested it on her chin pulling it upwards so that she was looking straight at me. I pulled her face to mine smashing my lips to hers. At first she didn't kiss back but then as soon as I slipped my tongue into her mouth

She started to kiss back. Before our kiss started to get heated I disconnected our lips looking straight into her eyes. ' Don't ever think of yourself as a monster because your not you will never be considered as a monster not in anyone's eyes and more importantly in my eyes your my angel '. I whispered making Genova smile. 

Promise you'll never leave me ? ' I asked

' I promise Matthew lee ' 

End Of Flashback

Jack Johnson's Point Of View 

I looked around and all I could see was pain. The atmosphere felt dull and grey as everyone grieved over Genova. Tears violently gushed out of my eyes more than I could handle making it hard to see.

Cameron sat on the ground with Lucy on his lap hugging her tightly crying into her chest, Mahogany was pressed up against Taylor balling her eyes out, Carter was clutching his body trying to control his cries, Shawn and Jessica hugged each other also trying to control their cries. Nash, Gilinsky... 

Everyone was in pain and it killed me. But what killed me the most was Matt. Gilinsky and I have always lived in this area and because of that reason we knew everyone that lived here even if they didn't know us. I always watched over Matt, something about him made me want to watch him. 

He was always this cheerful person always happy and always hyper. But that's not the person that sat in front of me right now. Matt was weak Matt was sad and I knew he was dying inside. I could see it. I could feel it 

Everyone was in absolute pain

I needed to help them

I had to.

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