Chapter 36

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Jessica's Point Of View 

I knew I couldn't ask Kian to help us seeing as he had no heart. I was running out of options. Once I heard Kian's footsteps start to slowly disappear down the hallway I turned all my attention to Genova, scooting as close to her as much the chains would let me.

  ' Genova please I know it's hard for you but  stay strong for me ' I broke down as I heard her heartbeat at a slow  rate. ' I'll try get some help just please stay awake ' I whispered. I glanced up at the hooks that held my chains and pulled on them. The cuffs shook and rattled with every move I made. I shook them as hard as I could but they just wouldn't budge.

 I wasn't aware how loud the chains were being until an unknown second door creak open on the other side of the room which could barely be seen with the darkness. The room we were in had two doors I was now aware of. One door being the main door where Kian enters and leaves and the other door which I don't know what contained.

 I watched as the door slowly creaked open making me shake in fear. I may be a blood sucking monster as some mortals would call me but this shit was scary. ' H-Hello ? ' I called out. Once the door was fully open a girl with long hair in front of her face came out of the door making my eyes go wide. Her clothes were all dirty and ripped and well you couldn't exactly see her face. ' P-Please don't hurt us we're innocent ' l cried as the girl stood in front of us.

 I didn't realise the tone of my voice was loud due to shaking in fear, the girl flinched backwards at my tone and cocked her head to the side as if she was studying us. Once staring at us for an awkward amount of time she suddenly took a step forward making me flinch. ' Oh my god you look like the grudge fucking stay away ' I screamed. 

She reached for something behind her pulling it out, showing me that they were garden scissors. They were rusted and had blood stained all on them. ' Oh my god we're about to be killed by some bitch with a gardening tool, I take it back Genova just die already you can't look at her, she's too scary ' I screamed as she came closer to me with the weapon. 

I screwed my eyes shut not wanting to look at her cut me up in pieces. But the only sound I could make out was my chains being tampered with. I slowly opened my eyes and watched as she walked behind me with her hair swinging side to side . I didn't know what she was doing back there but before I knew it I loose from the cuffs. Once I was free she dropped the gardening tool and sat herself in front of me studying my face once again. 

J-Jessica ?

Matt's Point Of View 

I walked over to they guys ripping off their chains with my bare hands. ' Are you guys okay ? ' I asked studying their hands to see if they were hurt. ' Yeah we're fine but bro your eyes went full black ' Cater muttered once I set him free. ' W-what ' I asked confused. ' You don't know what that means? ' Shawn asked. I shook my head. ' It means your a Repitory ' Cameron winced getting up off the floor cracking his neck. 

' Like Genova ? ' I asked. ' Like Genova ' Shawn answered. ' What happened to me ? ' Cameron asked breaking the silence. '  Well your Matt' s dad now ' Carter said making Nash smack the back of his head for like the hundredth time. ' My dad's spirit over took your body and well you tied us up all to chairs and you almost killed Mahogany ' I explained. 

' Mahogany '  Shawn exclaimed. Pushing past us to a passed out Mahogany. We all looked at each other and ran to Shawn. ' Is she alive ? ' Nash asked. ' Barely ' Shawn whispered. ' How do we save her ? ' Taylor asked. ' Well ' Shawn said looking at me. 

' Well if my guesses are correct Matt  is now a Repitory. Repitory's are known to have strong blood, so strong that they can heal another vampire if you let them drink your blood. So Matt will you let Mahognay drink a bit of your blood ? ' 

Shawn asked. ' Of course ' I said sitting myself on the ground, I pulled Mahognay's body next to me biting into my wrist making me screw me eyes shut in pain. Once I felt blood ooze out of my wrist I brought it up to Mahogany's mouth. 

At first she resisted but then she started to drink. She  clutched onto my wrist with such force drinking hard. My eyes closed shut as my teeth sunk into my lip in pain. Once done she slowly let go of my wrist bringing it away from her mouth. ' T-thanks Matt ' she weakly smiled. ' It's okay '

Jessica's Point Of View 

' L-Lucy ? ' I stuttered. She moved her hair to reveal her face. ' Lucy is that really you ?! ' I asked tears brimming in my eyes. Tears formed in Lucy's eyes as a smile crept onto her face. I jumped
up and wasted no time in running into her arms. ' Oh my god ' she cried. ' I-I thought I'd never see you again ' she weeped holding me close to her. 

' How'd you get here ' I asked facing her. Lucy's smile dropped as she looked back at me. ' I-I got kidnapped ' she whispered. ' For ten years I've been locked up here isolated and tortured, Jessica I prayed that they wouldn't find any of you guys and make you go through what I did ' she cried.

 I was about to bring her into another hug when I heard footsteps start to echo from behind the main entrance. ' He's coming back ' I whispered. ' Lucy hide ' I screamed making her pull away from the hug. '  Protect yourself i'll be back later ' Lucy whispered before running towards the doors. But before she walked out she turned towards me.

I-is he o-okay ?

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