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Jack Johnson's Point Of View

It's been ten years and Gilinsky and I are still watching over our friends. Not one time did we ever stop watching over them since the day we died. We protected them, we helped them, we stayed by their sides.

They were our family. The spell that caused us to die worked. Genova came back to life and she came back happier and stronger probably because both Gilinsky and I's life forms seeped into her at the same time. When Genova came back everyone was either crying, smiling or yelling well not really everyone Taylor was the only one yelling.

But anyways Matt was so happy Genova came back lets just say Matt got some that night. Everything ended up working for everyone. Jessica and Shawn found the love they once had all those years ago , Mahogany and the rest of them each found someone for themselves and something miraculous and unexpected happened.

Since I died enduring a spell to bring Genova back, all the spells that I placed upon the universe was lifted, except all the protection spells those still stood.  So Cameron was able to remember Lucy and all the memories I took from him. Though everything seemed to be back to normal  each day was a challenge for us and our friends. 

There was danger lurking in every corner but there was nothing to worry about because they had each other and if they didn't we did. Even though we were on the other side we still had our powers. So jack and I teamed up and heightened everyone's powers. 

So let's just say they are indestructible. Till this day everyone is still friends and they actually moved into a big house together but they aren't alone. There's always those little tiny feet running around.

Yep our friends had children. Cameron and Lucy have two little girls Layla and Janine, Shawn and Jessica have a two boys and a little girl. Jaiden, Lauren and Josh and as for Genova and Matt they have three kids. Two boys and a little girl. Who's named Braxton, Max and Jesinta.

All their kids ended up inheriting their parents powers which are all standard but there's a certain little girl that amazes Gilinsky and I. Little Jesinta.

She may have inherited Genova and Matt's powers but she has a certain power that makes us questions the Immortal world and how sturdy it actually is.

Jesinta can see us.

Gilinsky and I always lurk around their house looking after everyone but one time  I was absolutely certain that Jesinta saw us and started laughing. 

Flashback from Johnson's Point Of View 

' Seriously Taylor and Maddie need to stop having sex in every room in this house there are children in this house now ' Gilinsky said looking down at a condom that was on the ground of Taylor's room. ' Well why don't you haunt him and tell him that ' I joked looking around the hallways. 

' Ha ha very funny you know I can't do that ' Gilinsky groaned. As I laughed Gilinsky looked at something behind me that made me stop. ' What's wrong ? ' I asked turning around. And as I did my eyes were laid on this adorable pair of brown eyes I loved. 

' Gilinsky why are you freaking out its just Jesinta ' I chuckled. ' Y-yeah but she can see us ' he stuttered. ' What do you mean ? ' I asked. ' Exactly what I said she can she us she just called me '  Gilinsky answered. ' Oh bullshit ' I answered. ' I'm serious bro look ' Gilinsky said walking towards her.

I followed Jack squatting down to Jesinta's size. She moved her tiny little head side to side looking straight into my eyes. ' U-uncwle J-Jack ? ' she muttered making my eyes go wide.' Y-you can see us Jesinta ? ' Gilinsky asked ' yes uncwle Jack ' she smiled. ' But how ? ' I asked. ' I downt know 'she giggled. As I was about to say something she opened her mouth cutting me off.

' Mommy misses you guys sooooo much, mommy tells me she loves you guys and she thanks you for saving her but she's really sad you didn't let her say goodbye ' she smiled hugging me. ' She can touch us too ? ' Gilinsky asked. I just looked down at the tiny brunette and hugged her tighter I guess we can.

End Of Flashback

Right now it was Christmas and everyone was huddled together next to the fire place enjoying each other's company. They all had smiles on their faces which in all honestly has never left their faces in ten years.

I am so grateful that our friends didn't grief over our death because all I've ever wanted for them was happiness and that's exactly what I got

Genova's Point Of View 

My eyes scanned everyone around the room making a smile appear on my face. We were all happy. We may have had a rough teenage life but now our adult life is going really smoothly.

Cameron and I ended up being the best of friends after Johnson's spell dropped after he died. So Cam and Lucy are back to their love story that broke off years ago, Shawn and Jessica ended up falling deeply in love again. 

Mahogany and the boys found their mates and are deeply and utterly in love and now some of us now have amazing children. As much as I hated the fact that Johnson and Gilinsky used their powers to bring me back to life I am very grateful for what they did. I was also really sad that I didn't get to say goodbye but I know I'll join them on the other side soon. All of us will.

It's a part of life 

As I laid my head on Matt's shoulder I felt his head move downwards making me look up. His dreamy brown orbs stared into mine making me smile. ' I love you ' Matt whispered. ' I love you too baby ' I whispered back placing my lips on his for a second.

I looked down to see Jesinta staring onto a couch in the corner that was vacant due to everyone snuggling up together so I squinted my eyes in confusion. ' Hey honey what you looking at ? ' Matt cooed. Jesinta just giggled and pointed at the couch. 

 Uncle Johnson and uncle Gilinsky are smiling at us..... 


To be completely honest if my child every told me my dead friends were smiling at me I so would freak the fuck out lmao. Anyways thats Magcon Vampire's hope you enjoyed. 

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