Chapter 50

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Lucy's Point Of View

Hurt flashed through Cameron's eyes faster then any vampire could ever run. As soon as Jack finished telling him every thing from the past I knew Cameron was breaking inside trying to analyse every detail. I could tell, I knew Cameron better than any person could 

' Y-you made me forget Lucy ? ' Cameron asked with his voice cracking at the end. Jack's head slowly moved towards me with his eyes connecting with mine. I sighed looking in the direction of Cameron. ' I-I am so sorry Cameron but we had to ' Jack whispered. 

And at that moment I knew Cameron was gonna explode. Cameron has this tendency that annoys the heck out of everyone. When Cameron wants immediate answers his anger levels go up its a little glitch that he has as a vampire.

Every vampire is like a mortal except the fact that all supernatural powers we have are heightened making us more powerful and because our powers our heightened our bodies cannot handle every single power inside our body all at once so that leads onto our vampire glitches.

 It doesn't really matter if it's an emotional or physically glitch every single vampire has it. Some vampires can even control it better than others but we cannot keep it from happening. So with each power an individual has no doubt a tiny glitch that will come right with it

I looked around the room noticing everyone was slouching down slowly covering their ears. We all knew about Cameron's anger glitch I mean he's the only vampire ever to have that sort of glitch. There hasn't been any history or record about a vampire with an anger glitch except for Cameron. 

That's the whole reason why the vampire council hasn't come up with an explanation about it. ' What do you mean you had to ? ' Cameron gritted through his teeth. Johnson gulped before answering. But I knew Cameron had to hear it from someone that was closer to him. 

' Johnson I'll take this one ' I whispered stepping forward. My eyes trailed up to Cameron's which were already burning into mine. His eyes flickered desperately seeking for an answer. ' Cameron I know it may seem bad but all we did in the past was all for you ' I answered with a shaky voice 

I know Cameron's never gonna physically hurt me but the anger shown in his eyes makes that belief fade away. ' Cam I know you don't remember anything but we're mates. I know you better than anyone could ever know you. Even Genova.

When I got kidnapped that day I knew not only was I gonna be in danger so were you. There was no way you were gonna be able to stand up tall without me. You're my other half Cameron if one of us goes down the other goes down right after it. They were only protecting you ' I whispered 

Mahogany's Point Of View 

I know it pained Lucy to explain this to Cameron so I knew I had to carry on for her. So I pulled Lucy back and stepped forward. ' Cameron you had no idea how much pain you had in you ' I said ' and as your friends we couldn't stand to see you in that state '

Cameron held the sides of his face pulling at the roots of his hair in frustration. ' I knew I was breaking inside guys okay I knew but Lucy was my mate. I needed her more than anything I probably loved her with all my heart but you guys took that away .

All our memories all our moments all gone all taken away from me without even knowing it . What if she came back huh ? What if she came back hugging and kissing her so called mate that actually had no idea who she fucking was 

what were you guys gonna plan on telling Lucy ? You guys had a major flaw with your plan to so called help me but you still did it '  Cameron yelled with his fist all balled up ready to swing. '  Johnson, Gilinsky and I knew we were taking a risk with this plan and yes we didn't know when Lucy was coming back or if she was ever gonna come back but it was a risk we had to take; you were breaking down Cameron '  I screamed. ' We lost Lucy and we weren't going to lose you too '

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