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Jimin pouts, but doesn't insist, his own erection also need to be taken care of, and maybe being close to Yoongi isn't the best way to do so.

He also turns away from Yoongi, but scoots closer for both of their backs to be against each other's.

Jimin's mind started to wander around, thinking about his relationship, his career, his growing fame, his fans, Marmalade's upcoming tour...

"hey Yoongi?" he whispers.

"Mhm?" Yoongi's gravely voice sounds.

"Where any of your relationships this complicated?" He asks.

Jimin remembered his past relationships, back in highschool or in trainee days, when he would be all jittery around boys and have no care in the world about what could possibly happen to their couple, he thought of his first time, and how awkward it had felt that neither of them knew what to do. Those memories made him chuckle.

It was after a few more seconds that Jimin realised he hadn't gotten an answer from Yoongi. before he was able to say something to urge him to speak, Yoongi spoke up.

"I-i've only been in one relationship."

Jimin was very surprised, he would have thought Yoongi would be a veteran in the whole dating and having sex thing, he seemed to always be unbothered as if he was used to -bored even- of being in relationships.

"Really? How was it?" He asked, he was honestly curious about Yoongi's past relationships, and he felt like they were at that point in their relationship where they were stable enough to talk about their past experiences freely.

"Well... It was uhm... I mean -erm... It's -erm- you so.."

Jimin's eyes widened, he turned around faster than he thought he could, grabbed Yoongi's shoulder to press his back against the mattress and got on top of him, facing him.

Yoongi's eyes were wide, slightly shimmering from the reflexion of the streetlights that casts their yellow hues through the window, his cheeks were bright red, and he was biting on his lip.

"I'm your first relationship?!" He whisper yelled, eyes still wide.

Yoongi looks away, seemingly embarrassed as his face darkens to a deeper shade of red.

"Well, yeah." he mumbled, placing a hand over the lower half of his face, trying to hide his bright red cheeks.

"No way," Jimin giggled. "Really?!"

"yes" yoongi snapped; "yes you are my first boyfriend okay, can you drop it?" His face was so red and he looked so flustered, Jimin had never found him this cute.

"Wait- Was i your first time? Did i deflower you, Min Yoongi?" His eyes were wide and a bright smile stretch across his face.

He found it cute, and very flattering to be Yoongi's first, despite the fact he was already twenty five.

"Yes! i'm sorry i'm so unexperienced but i didn't have time to date back in trainee days, then i was in a mental hospital for some time and then i just wasn't interested. So yes Jimin, you were my first time." He blurts out, and that's when Jimin first notices that this might be embarrassing Yoongi in the wrong way.

He sits on Yoongi's lower stomach, straddling his hips, and takes Yoongi's pale hands off his bright red face.

"Hey, hey, Yoongi?" he says, the latter avoiding his gaze. "I wasn't making fun of you. It just made me kind of happy."


ok so my finals are approaching and I studied like six hours today and my brain is now basically dead.

But how are you doing?

Did you like the chapter?

Good luck for your finals and end of year (if it is the end of the year for you),

hang in there!

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