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Yoongi nodded, smiling slightly in an attempt to calm Jimin, who only nodded, letting out a nervous sigh.

The older knocked on the door, running his hand through his unkempt blond hair. A few seconds later, a small and slightly rounded man opened the door.

Both Yoongi and Jimin bowed deeply, before they were lead inside by the CEO himself.

The head producer sat behind his desk, slumping slightly in his seat and lacing his fingers over his rounded chest after pushing his thick framed glasses higher over the bridge of his nose.

"Well then, you wanted to talk," he momentarily raised his hands as if to urge Yoongi to be speak up. "I'm listening."

Yoongi nodded, taking a breath and placing both his hands on his thighs, sitting down next to Jimin across the desk.

"I thought about your offer." The boss nodded, a small smile on his lips. "I accept, but i'd like to make a few things clear before i do." He explained, somewhat hesitant, but the boss' frequent nods prompted him to continue.

"As you may know, I am homosexual, and i don't plan on hiding it." He started. "If this company isn't ready to accept my sexuality, then i can't possibly sign under this label."

The boss nodded, but took a sharp breath before he started talking.

"And why is that?" He asked. "Your sexuality has nothing to do with your career, if i were to ask you not to flaunt your homosexuality to the world i don't see why that would be a problem."

Yoongi nodded, in a sense, what he said was right, but he wasn't of the same opinion.

"I want to be honest with the public, i don't want to hide away behind a facade made of people's expectations. This is also why i don't want to be an idol, so that i don't have an image to look after." He said.

The boss frowned.

"Does that mean you don't care about your image, and would risk ruining the company's? Because i certainly can't have that." He explained calmly, though his face seemed stern.

Yoongi nodded again, cursing at himself for the wrong choice of words.

"I understand. I would like to erase certain taboos from the korean society, though i do not plan on being of a bad influence."

The boss rubbed at his chin, sighing odibly, his eyes looked at his desk seemingly deep in thought, he then looked up to Yoongi, before his eyes landed on Jimin.

"And what does this have to do with you?" He asked, raising his chin towards him. He seemed slightly pissed for some reason, but still remained somewhat polite.


I still can't believe this story has more than 100k reads...

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