Ok rant

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This is not an update but I'm stressed and I have to get it out some way or another.


Basically I'm in a group of friends of like a dozen people, most of witch are guys.

There are two girls, one if them being... let's call her Sandy.

I was in Sandy's class back in middle school, but we didn't really talk.

Fast forward to like a year, and I start hanging out with two guys of my class, one of them being Danny.

So Danny and the other dude had a group of friends and I started hanging out with all of them. They are super cool guys, and we had tons of fun, like legit all our conversations would end in laughing fits.

Fast forward to a few months, Danny and Sandy start dating.


That's cool.

But their relationship kinda goes down hill and Sandy breaks up with Danny, kind of brutally.

Mind you during most of their relationship she was sometimes a little disrespectful, like not willing to listen to his point of view and understand his standpoint.

But I mean their relationship has nothing to do with me so let's move on.

Fast forward to another few months after the break up, Danny is still a little sore about their breakup but Sandy starts dating another dude from the group, let's call him Bobby.

So Bobby is also in our group of friends, and is friends with Danny.

Sandy is very disrespectful with Bobby, but he doesn't really notice that he's becoming her little puppy because he really likes her, like legit I have never seen anyone be that blinded by love.

And I'm not the only one to notice Sandy is being a bit of a bitch (please excuse the term) to Bobby, because Johnny, Bobby's best friend also noticed it.

Sandy and Johnny keep pestering each other, Danny is a little down because of the break up. Mind you we are all in the same group of friends, and we see each other like everyday.

So then, Sandy sends a message to some girl in the group of friends, let's call her... Mary (I'm running out of names)

Mary and I are like, supper close, we hang out al lot and Sandy knows that.

So Sandy sends a message to Mary saying she doesn't like me, at all.

Until then I didn't particularly care about Sandy's existence, like she was the girl that fucked up two- three of my friends ( so Danny, Bobby and then her arguments with Johnny, Bobby's best friend) but you know, I'm not going to judge she never did anything to me personally.

Then she pulls that shit.

From my stand point, she clearly wants me to know she doesn't like me, because Mary and I are good friends, of course she would snitch.

But anyway, I act like I don't know anything and still keep diplomatic relationships with her, like I say good morning and goodbye but we don't really talk.

Not that I'm fake or anything, like we clearly don't talk but on my part I try not to get on her nerves because we're in the same friend group and I don't want to mess the group dynamic and create arguments.

Anyway then she talks shit about me to Johnny (Bobby's best friend), saying that she hates me and that she can't stand me.

Like first of all, we don't even talk, like why do you hate me when don't even interact? How can you feel such strong feelings of distaste for someone you have never had a conversation with?

And again, like Johnny is one of the guys in the group I have the most classes with, we spend a lot of time together and like, again, of course he would snitch, he's a good friend.

And with all that, Danny and some other dude from the group (I'll spare you his code name) are organising an outing with all the friend group for their birthday.

And Danny told me, and I quote:

"Please make some efforts with Sandy."

Like, dude, we don't talk.

Sandy and I do not talk.

And like come on, I'm not that immature and inconsiderate to pick a fight with her on my friends' birthday.

Like, I'm not Sandy.

Because I forgot to mention that there were some arguments at Johnny's birthday party a few months back because she was being indecise about her relationship with Bobby, and so he kept running after her and being super down, but she didn't seem to care (or notice I don't even know) and kept toying with his feelings (it's hard to be objective when she's hurting so many of my friends seriously).


At this point I don't really want to be in her presence anymore, and I'm like hesitant to go to the gathering, because I don't want to deal with her childish ways of trying to get to me.

So I talked about not wanting to go to Johnny and Danny, and they were like "no, you should totally come."

So I was flattered that my friends wanted me to be there, but at the same time I really don't want to ruin Danny's birthday in some way (like even if the atmosphere is tense i would feel bad) and I'm kind of tired of acting like I don't know she hates my guts so...

I'm kind of having a rough week but I'm trying...

Thanks for reading if you did, that must have been super confusing and like, I don't really know why I'm dumping all this on you but yeah, i just had to rant.

Btw, feel welcome to rant about your own issues in the comments, even if I'm not able to give the best of advise, writing things out really helps.

Anyway thanks everyone!

Love you all

Have a nice day/night and stay positive kids!

Word out is at 1000 words people, god damn.

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