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"Carefull you'll burn yourself." Said Yoongi.

Jimin kept his hands off the hot tank of boiling water.

Yoongi approached him and took the cup in his hand to poor the hot liquid on the previously added tea and sugar.

"Why do you do it if you warn me not to." Chuckled Jimin.

"Because you're not used to it."

Jimin raised an eyebrow at the responce, he felt slightly insulted.

"Are you saying I'm weak?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"No." He said not making eye contact. "I'm just saying you're used to dance practice and vocal lessons, not burns." Said Yoongi.

As he said those words, Jimin noticed for the first time a scar on Yoongi's right hand.

It was a large burn mark that went from his index finger all over the back of his hand to under his watch.

"Are you worrying for me?" Teased the ravenette.

In the hour or so they had worked together, Jimin had figured Yoongi wasn't the talkative type noor did he seem intrested in anything.

"No, I'm worrying for your career. Scars aren't well seen on idols." He said.

Jimin frowned.

"You do realise I'm not just an idol." He said, slightly irritated by the Yoongi seemed to look down on him.

"Yes you are." Said Yoongi as he turned to the boy fully. Finally boring his black eyes into his. "The day you signed that contract, you gave up most of your human right to become a dancing singing machine."

He voiced those words coldly, his tone slightly snappy though he didn't raise his voice.

Jimin felt tears prickle at the corner of his eyes and his throat tighten.

Not because what Yoongi had said was down right offensive, but because his words completely insulted everything he had believed in, everything he had been working for in his year of training and his few months of career.

Yoongi cursed under his breath at the sight of Jimin's glossy eyes.


Btw guys,

the flashbacks are every two chapters and don't have a direct connection to the story.

It's basically two different timelines of the same character.

Does that make sense?

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