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Yoongi chuckled at the comment, momentarily shifting his gaze to glance at Jimin, who looked quite ethereal with the yellow city lights reflecting off his smooth skin.

"You're hot." He mumbled.

Jimin laughed, feeling a pleasuring warmth in his chest from the compliment, his eyes disappearing into thin crescents with his wide smile, making look very cute in Yoongi's eyes.

Their ride was cut short when Yoongi parked his car in the driveway of a dainty house in one of the well off blocks of Seoul, both boys got out, identities concealed behind masks and hoodies.

Yoongi opened the door without knocking, surprising Jimin slightly. They both took off their shoes and patterned into the spotless house, loud laughter already booming from further inside the house.

The elder's pale and cold hand wrapped around, his long and bony fingers lacing through Jimin's slightly chubby ones, leading him inside the house.

The pinkenette tightened his grip around his boyfriend's fingers, feeling very at ease looking at his figure walking  in front of him.

They took a turn to the left, Yoongi leading Jimin into the living room, where three boys sat on a very cosy looking, cream coloured couch, facing a large screen displaying a Mario kart race. The leader of Marmalade recognised his two members, sitting on either side of the third man, who he assumed was Hoseok judging from his burnt red hair. Jungkook, sat completely still, elbows on his knees as he played with what looked like a steering wheel from WII. Hoseok and Taehyung however, kept moving around, shouting at each other, bodies leaning from one side or the other according to their turns.

The three boys sat facing the large tv screen, extremely immersed in their intense race of mario kart.

"Who fucking sent that fucking red turtle i swear to fucking god i will fuckin-" Hoseok yelled as his kart fell off the race.

Jungkook let a low chuckle fall from his lips as his eyes flickered to the golden "N°1" that was displayed on the side of his screen.

"Definitely Jungkook." Taehyung accused with a boxy smile as he sat on next to the protesting redhead, bouncing excitedly on the couch and making his peach blond hair flop around with his movements.

Jungkook didn't crack a word, momentarily jerking his head to the side to get his magenta coloured hair out of his eyes.

Yoongi and Jimin shared an amused look as the three kids played Mario kart, yelling and cursing at each other.

"Yah! Yoongi-ah, Jimin-ah!" A loud voice called from the couch.

Yoongi frowned, a cute pout forming on his smooth lips, eyebrows furrowed, then slapped the back of Hoseok's head.

"Honorifics, crackhead." he grumbled, Jimin giggling behind him. "Where's Seokjin-hyung?" He then asked.

"He's cooking -fucking damn it Taehyung!"


god the comeback...

Also for those who followed the rants, the birthday is tomorrow wish me luck :)

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