Big city

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I got a little money from helping an old lady sell her pastries, I have enough money to finally get a ticket for Seoul.

I know I'll have a lot more chances of getting a life there, and I'm sick of the streets of Daegu.

After around a week of living on the streets I can finally go to Seoul.

I don't know what I'll do there, but I feel like anything can happen in a big city.


I've been living in Seoul for around two weeks, well... More like surviving.

I found a job in a café near hongdae, the owner is nice and it pays pretty well.

I still don't have enough money to by myself a place to stay, so I live on the streets.

My clothes are really starting to stink, I haven't been able to take a shower in a month or so and my hair has never been this sticky in my whole life.

I was able to buy some deodorant and dry shampoo and also a few pairs of underwear but now I'm just getting tired of feeling disgusting.

My legs slowly take me to my usual hideout.

It's a small street, little to no traffic and there isn't too much visibility for people to notice me and attack me in
my sleep.

I slumps down on the cold pavement, it's slightly humid but I really don't have a choice.

I take off my sweater and gold it to turn it into a makeshift pillow and put it down on cold ground.

Before I sleep I take a few seconds to count the money that I have been stuffing in my pocket.

Maybe I'll have enough to pay myself my first meal of the week tomorrow.

I sigh, stuffing the money back into my pocket carefully and lying down, back against the wall of the alley.

My thin shirt dosen't do much against the cold and humid ground, but I've come used to it in the month I live on the streets.

My mind was so fixated on my thoughts I didn't notice the hand that grabbed onto my arm tightly.

He pulled me up, and I realised he wasn't alone.

They touched my body harshly and patted my pockets but they were looking for a wallet, and probably didn't feel the very small amount of money that was trapped in the small picket of my black jeans.

I pray the gods for my luck, but I regret it after a few seconds as I see there reaction to my empty pockets.

Frustrated, they threw a few punches at me before they ran away.

I sigh, sitting up and raising my gaze to the seem of tall sky scrapers that stood beyond the clouds.

Fuck it's going to rain...

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