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"Smoking is bad for you." JImin tried to justify his action.

"Yeah and so is extreme dieting, but i don't say anything about it now do i?" Yoongi snapped.

"Okay now you're just being petty." Jimin shot back, crossing arms and huffing, returning Yoongi's glare.

"Then fucking get out." Yoongi slurred aggressively, throwing his hand in the air in an exasperated manner. "No one asked you to come here."

Jimin ran a hand through his hair, sinking deeper into his seat, determined to not get out until Yoongi had spilled everything he had to spill.

"You do realise if i get out now, we're probably not going to see each other for a few weeks right? The teaser was released a few hours ago, my schedule is going to be really packed from now and then if we promote well we'll probably go on tour. You really want to end this on a fight?" The younger said, his voice cracking a little due to all the vocal practices and recording sessions he had done in the past few days.

Yoongi stayed silent, still not meeting Jimin's gaze.

The said boy let out a frustrated sigh.

"Why are you so annoyed about the fact that we want to help you Yoongi, why are you irritated by Hoseok's behaviour when he's only trying to help you and defend his opinion."

As Jimin spoke his words, Yoongi's eyes slowly started to started to fill with tears.

He tried to hide it, though Jimin had already seen, by placing his hand over his eyes.

"I don't know." His lips wobbled as his words came out broken. "I'm scared."

"Of what." Jimin asked softly, rubbing Yoongi's knee that was just next to his elbow.

"I don't know." Yoongi whispered back.

Jimin sighed for the uptenth time that day, shifting his position difficulty, trying to awkwardly contort his body in the small space of the backseat of Yoongi's car. He finally landed were he want to, stradling Yoongi and sitting on his lower stomach.

He gently took Yoongi's hand off his eyes, meeting Yoongi's gaze, his eyes teary and red. The younger smiled painfully, his hand that wasn't holding Yoongi's wrist moving up to wipe the boy's tears softly.

Then both of his hands cupped Yoongi's cheeks.

"You shouldn't be." Jimin whispered softly, before leaning down to capture Yoongi's lips in a short peck.

Leaning back up, he took the time to admire the man that was his boyfriend.

Yoongi's blond hair laid as a blond mess atop his head, as usual, his eyes were still closed, eyelashes bunched up in result of the tears that had escaped his eyes, his nose slightly red and runny as yell.

"I think you should trust the people around you, Yoongi. We know how to make decisions. If you're scared of the hate and backlash Hoseok will get from all his honesty, then just remember, that whatever he does, someone will be there to try and bring him down. I was scared as well in the beginning, i'm still new to this whole idol thing and i want people to like me. But i know some don't, and there's nothing i can do about it. It's not always my fault- it's not always your fault either, Yoongi. After the time i've spend with you and the other guys, i've come to the conclusion that, i want to be honest with my fans, show them the real me, stand up for what i believe is true. That way, if someone decides to hate me, then i will be proud to say that i don't care, because i believe that i'm right and i'm fighting for what i find important." Jimin whispered, stroking Yoongi's cheeks as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Jimin..." Yoongi almost whined, his eyes tearing up yet again and his lips wobbling slightly, arms raising to wrap around Jimin's torso.

"I love you, Min Yoongi. And i wouldn't be scared to say it to the world."


 hey guys! 

thank you all so much for being so sweet on the last chapter!

 Love you all <3

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