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Yoongi and Jimin walked back behind the counter, Soekjin didn't miss the glare Yoongi gave him and assumed the two had at least exchange some kind of words durning their absence.

He let them take control over the orders again and left for his office.

The two worked in silence for another half an hour.

Jimin thinking back at his time spent with Yoongi and the 'elephant in the room' that seemed to be right between them, preventing them from getting at least a little closer.

Who the hell are you Min Yoongi?

Now that he thought about it, Yoongi wasn't just any barista.

The man was very unusually hot, and maybe that shouldn't have had Jimin's alert system ticking but it did.

And that presence that he had, his way of moving, talking, everything...

Everything felt like it was calculated and thought through.

The way his shoulders drew back slightly and how he always held his chin high though it seemed natural to him.

Simple things like the way he licked his lip pouted slightly felt like some kind of idolised character from a movie.

His thoughts were cut short as a man walked over to the counter, looking slightly pissed.

Jimin looked at him, trying to act opening as he smiled at him politely.

"How can I help you s-"

"I had a fly in my drink." He said agressively. " I could have choked on such a disgusting insect if I hadn't seen it. I feel profoundly offended and I demand a refund." He said, voice raising, attracting attention from a few customers and Yoongi, who had been cleaning the counter.

"I'm very sorry sir." Said Jimin as he bowed.

He felt his face heat up in embarrassment and his heart tighten.

Of course he would fuck up again.

And there it was again.

The feeling of guilt that ate his insides, the loud thumping of his chest and the clamminess of his hands.

The man looked so angry he wanted to hide behind the counter, and those eyes of the customers looking at him curiously and the cameras t-

"What may be the problem sir?"

The deep voice broke his train of thought, he could finally breath properly again as Yoongi slightly stepped infront of him, shielding him from the agressive man.

"This kid fucked up my order." The customer roared.

Yoongi looked at him calmly and slightly sighed.

"from what I heard, you simply had a fly in your order."

"And you act like that's not a big deal, clearly you should fire this inexperienced teenager." He almost yelled, hands pointing accusingly at the poor boy who hid behind Yoongi.

The older frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry sir, but the fact you had a fly in your cup had nothing to do with our workers." He said calmly.

"Call your manager!" Ordered the man.

Jimin slightly flinched at his aggressive tone, feeling horrible for causing such a ruckus.

"There is no need for that sir, we provide lids for our drinks and you had one. I would advise you to cause a scene elsewhere for you are disrupting the calm here. We will not accept customers shouting at the workers for a fault they caused and that is final."

Yoongi's voice had suddenly gone an octave lower and his words were well articulated, slightly menacing.

The customer spat a few insults and curse words before storming out.


Hey guys!

Hope you like that.

Btw small Yoonmin in the next chap~

Love you<3

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