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So I got tagged...


*inner debate*

"Do it."

"Come one, do it."

"But these questions are so stupid! Might as well do a Q&A

*the mom stare*

"Okey fine whatever."

(Why the fck is the title rules?😂)

(Why the fck is the title rules?😂)

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1. Do you have a crush?

2. What's your middle name?
Marie (family tradition for good luck and fortune) Genevieve (a relative's name)

3. What's your height?
A little over 180cm

4. Eye colour?
Caramel (yea I'm fancy like that.)

5. Last time you cried?
Last time I saw 'Ernest et Célestine". It's a French (I think) animation and it's so fUckING sOft it gets me everytime.

6. Biggest fear?
Being abandoned and getting eaten by an escalator.

7. Last song you listen to?
Crayon_G-dragon. (<--fuckin' bop right there.)

8. Last person you texted?
My best friend.

9. Favourite app?
Wattpad ;)

10. Tag 20 people.

I won't really tag anyone, but feel free to do this if you read through it and/or want to answer these random ass questions.

I'd like to finish this (not) chapter by offering you the opportunity to ask me random questions (*being dramatic*) and answer them yourself in your comment so we get to know each other more~

My question for you is:

What nicknames to your friends call you and why?
Mine usually call me 'teddy' because I'm tall and I give good hugs.

Love you all and hope you're all doing great!

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