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Well it's a good thing we disposed of those notes. Now if we didn't, we would have been in great trouble by now. We both look at each other and think,'busted!'

"I... I wrote a" J says, trying to save both our behinds. He aunt!? That's the best you could come up with?! What the hell, Julie!?

"Is that so...?" We both nod like toddlers. Peter looks at me. I give him my most innocent smile.

"You know... I don't like liars, so if I were you, I would tell me the truth!" The says through clenched teeth. I mentally gulp. I said MENTALLY! I am too good to let him know that he creeps me out in any which way possible.

"Well... Julie? Should we give him the honors of knowing our little secret?" I say nudging her o tell her to play along. I don't think she got what I meant.

"Um...Narmi? Are you ins-" She starts, but the annoying Peter Pan cuts in.

"Yes, yes she does!" He answers for her. Ugh! The guts of him! Well, two can play at that game! *Insert evil smirk here* 

I purse my lips,"OK, so the note we were talking about," I paused for dramatic affect. Peter leaned a little forward, whereas Julie's eyes were as big as saucers! "Said that Peter Pan should mind his own damn business and that Narmi doesn't have to tell him crap!" I gave him my best fake smile.

"That does it! TELL ME NOW!" He yelled. Wow Peter! Didn't take you as someone who'd throw a tantrum!

"No! Leave." I said dismissing him with my hands. J was trying hard not to laugh, and failing at it.

"Or else?!" Wow! He really wants to push my buttons, doesn't he?

"Or else I will hit you with a frying pan, Pan!"

"Hey!" He yells. This is the last reaction I was thinking him to have. J doubled over laughing.

"Whatever!"He says and drops the subject and leaves. But I know better than to think that this conversation is over. He is probably still mad at me for talking back to him in the woods.





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