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The cage swung back and fourth.



"OK... this is just some weird dream, or we are dead." I hear J say from the other cage right next to mine.

"I'll get you out of here. Just give me a second!" I promise and hear her grunt. I feel the bamboo cage. Man, this cage is something built to perfection! I try to find a loose bamboo stick... nope! Nothing.

"Just stop trying. OK!? We're never gonna get out of here! This is all because of you!" She says, blaming it all on me!

"BECAUSE OF ME!!??? Don't you realize I'm trying to get both of us out of here!? Can't you be a little more helpful and actually HELP me!??" I say putting all my frustration in my words.

"Whatever! We're just gonna die here." She says loud enough for me to hear.

I lean to the side and try to push the bamboo bars outwards. After using almost all my strength, I give up. I take a long breather. It gets so hot in these cages, its not even funny! I try again, this time laying on my back and pulling my legs up to my stomach. I used as much as energy I could muster up and kicked as hard as I could.


Yes! I try again and break the first two bamboo sticks woven together by string. I do this until there is a gap big enough for me to fit through and get out. The cage was hanging a few feet of the ground. I made a jump and landed perfectly on my feet, without touching the ground with my hands.

"What was that?!" J asks.

"That... my Best Friend, was the sound of me breaking out of the cage!" I say proud of myself.


I help her out and she jumps off too. She lands on the ground, her fingers barely touching the dirt.

"Now... how about a little... payback!?" I offer, thinking of ways to get back at Peter. She smiles wickedly. I explain her the plan.

Ooh! This is gonna be fun!

~Peter's p.o.v~

I smirk, knowing that I have the upper hand now. Who were they, though? And how did they get to Neverland!? I think about that as I make my way back to camp. They are probably crying in the cage, not knowing what to do.

I laugh at that thought. All girls are so girly, they can't spend a minute without breaking out in tears. Those two girls... are different though. I don't know how, but they seem a bit fearless to me. I know I shouln't be saying this, but they don't know who I am, and if they want to, It will not end good for them.

Felix came up to me. "Who was it?" He asked. I nodded towards the log. He followed and we both sat down.

"Two girls." I said getting to the point. I don't like wasting time with Felix. With others, I love beating around the bush. Felix's eyes widen as he looks at me, waiting for me to go into detail.

"I locked them up in the cage. They were being annoying, those brats!" Felix slowly nods.

"What are you going to do with them?" He asked. I haven't thought about that yet. Maybe just let them rot in that cage. I mean, it's not like they would go any where. I shrugged. Felix nodded in understanding. I stood up and went to my tree house.

I took of my shirt and put on a new one. I did the same with my pants. Something felt odd. I went outside and into the jungle, not knowing where else to go. After a second, something tickled me in my shirt. Then I felt it again in my pants. Then more, in both my pants and shirts. I started squirming uneasy. A small beetle popped out from my pant's leg. I wiggled more until more bugs came out.

Finally the odd tingling sensation was gone and the dirt floor was full of bugs of all kinds. I heard giggling behind me.

~N's p.o.v~

 Peter turned around, fuming with anger. J hid behind me. Oh no! Caught red-handed! I'm too Young to die! He stomped up to me. He raised his hand and was about to hit me when I got a flashback.


I am little. 

(White flash)

I am happy, laughing even. There is someone else in the room. A lady, but I can't see who, only hear her voice.

Her voice, as soft and delicate as a rose blooming in summer.

(White flash)

I am no longer happy. My face has red spots on it.

Blood. The lady is missing>






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