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Just to let you know, my life wasn't always obstacles and death traps all the time. There was once the time I called peace. Then I decided to take a reality check. To wake up from a daydream was... not easy. Because once that dream ends, you have to face reality. And let me tell you this, reality can be a royal pain in the bum sometimes!

My name is Narmi. Narmi Rosette Valentine. I know, unusual name. What can I say? If you think my name is unusual, then wait till you find out my life story. It all started on an ordinary Friday, not the usual 'Once Upon A Time' start, but eh! This Friday might just be a little better then a fairy tale.


"Hun, wake up!" My mum yelled from downstairs. I groaned and rolled onto my side. Mums' can be annoying in the morning. After a louder wake up call, I finally got out of my bundle of cocoon like blankets and stretched my numb limbs. I slipped into my fluffy bunny slippers and went straight to the bathroom. After finishing whatever I had to in there, I went to my closet to pick out my clothes for the day.

I pulled out my out fit that consisted of skinny jeans with a cream colored spaghetti strap top. I slipped on my brown blazer and brown knee length boots. To match with that, I put on my beautiful brown earrings and golden brown bangles that glow whenever the sunlight hits them.

Sighing with my appearance, I made my way downstairs and Grabbed my brown leather book bag. Mum already left for her job so that meant I had to walk to school today. Nothing different. I walk to school every day. Its just seven blocks down...and then another five when you take a left. After that, you just go straight...see, simple. I grabbed an apple of the fruit basket and left for school.


The bell for third period rang just as the halls filled with noise. Ah... next period? Art! Usually this was my favorite period of all time. All my friends had this period with me. Well, my best friend had all the classes with me, so at least that was something good. "Hi!" I said to the other three people on our usual table. They all either smiled or nodded. We sat down on the only two empty chairs as always.

"So what are you all doing for the summer?" Julie asked trying to make small talk. Vanessa just shrugged while Gabby had a huge smile on her face. Dainty, on the other hand, just frowned.

What's up with her? She never has a frown on her face. Something must be up.

I shrugged it off before facing Gabby. I raised my eyebrow in question. Her smile got bigger... if that's even possible."I'm going to Orlando to see my baby cousin!" She finally squeaked out while shaking her hands everywhere. I nodded to her and she seemed to sober up from her little outburst. I faced Vanessa. "Mmmhmmn." She said shrugging her shoulders as if it didn't matter to her. I frowned this time and so did Julie.

"Dainty?" I asked and she sighed knowing that the attention would eventually go to her. She shifted her position so now her elbow was on the table and her chin in her elbow.

"I'll tell ya'll later, we don't have time to talk right now!" She snapped. Believe me when I say that I was surprised. Hell yeah! This is Dainty we're talking about... the happy go-lucky girl! Something must seriously be up.

"We have a sub, D. We have all the time we need right now." I said calling her by her nick name. I mean, When the happiest person turns all snappy at you, then there must be something seriously up!

"Fine! Myparentsareleavingandtheyleftmebehindbecausetheysaytheyhave'importantbuisness'!" She said all in one breath. I looked at her like he was crazy. Finally, Gabby spoke for all of us when she said," Huh?" This caused Dainty to huff out in annoyance. After repeating what she said first, but slower this time, we all looked at her sympathetically. Poor girl! You see, her parents were not really the... supportive type. They always had business meetings to attend to and always left her behind. Now they had to go look at a hotel they owned in L.A.

While they are there, they will stay for the whole summer break." Well, me and Julie, here, are staying at my place since my parents will be out of town too." I said using my hand to gesture to my best friend who was nodding. Dainty slumped in her seat. " You could stay with us if you want... If that's OK with Narmi?" Julie added while looking at me, waiting for the answer.

I nodded my head, excitedly and this seemed to cheer up Dainty a little. As in queue, the bell rang, ending our conversation. We parted ways in the hall and went to our next classes.





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