Forty three:

32 7 17


~Peter's p.o.v~

I walked in not the little hut they made on their first week at my camp. And to say I was impressed! I didn't expect to see furniture. The tables were simple and not perfectly carved but still impressing since it was done with a dagger.

Would I admit that out loud? No. If these two girlish ladies expect special treatment then forget it. It's not happening!

I look at Narmi and adjust my hold on her. I walk deeper into the small hut. I hear a soft noise behind this wall-ish thing. I look deeper into the small cut in the wall.

Pffft! This is no where near as close to being a door. This is rubbish.

Narmi shifts and i go to find more so called 'doors'. Finally I find another empty bed and I know its Narmi's because her shirt is on the floor next to her bed.

I place her on the bed not caring much if her head bangs against the wooden bed.

How did that spell not work against her?! It worked before. She resisted. How?!

There is something she hiding. Like the fact that why the hell is she here? And how the hell did she get here anyways?! One just doesn't 'come upon' Neverland. Is she planning something? Or is she just getting close to Henry like I told her to? Then again when does she ever listen?

Ugh this is frustration people.

~Jay's p.o.v~

Is it possible to wake up and feel this thick aura around you? Like some deep crap happened while you were out and you missed it? Yeah... apparently it is.

I put on my boots and rush out of my hole in the wall that's good enough to be a door.

"I walk through fire to save my life"

Sia's Elastic Heart lyric pops in my head and suddenly I'm sprinting to Narmi's room.

And who would of guessed the devil himself to be there?

See?! This is the reason Depression is present in this world. Him! Freaking idiot doesn't know when to give up. Dude you're not allowed in here. Like ever.

"Get away from her." I say grabbing my dagger of the floor.

If he wants trouble he's messing with the wrong chick. This chick can kill. I may not be as sharp or as fit as Narmi or as pretty as some fake barbie plastering layers of makeup on her face for one photo shoot, but damn no one messes with the people I care for. Or its down to business.

He stands up straighter, his back still turned away from me.

"My island my rules. Get out." This kid just.... Awwww hell naw.

"My hut, my rules. You get out how about that? NOW LEAVE! No Fry Pan's allowed. First rule of the house. Shoo. Scram." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't. Disrespect. Me. On. My. Own. Damn. Island. Understand?!" I never got to answer that. Before I knew it I was up dangling in a cage. Ugh this seems oddly familiar.

~Peter's p.o.v~

I have had it with her. How dare she disrespect me on my own freaking island? This'll teach her a thing or two about messing with me. I snap my fingers and watch her disappear into a cage off on the northern side of the island.

She is probably gonna eat my ears out for doing that. But you know what? There's always cage rooms to fill. She'll just be another space filler.

I look down and see her shift and slowly wake up.

Great. Now I have to explain all this to her. And right now, I am done with her.


WEDNESDAY- wishing day:

Look up at the second star to the right and make a wish- whether it be of money or 10 more Wattpad followers- Then comment below on what you wished for. You never know.... it might just come true.


~*~Today's Special~*~

I'm an Otaku (Anime Nerd). Are you? If so what are some Anime you watch? Do you suggest me to watch any?



(AN: Hey everyone!!! This is the last time I will be doing these little day by day activities.

I will still be doing my ~Today's Specials'~ Though.

Wednesday was a great day for my 'End-Of-Activities-Day' because today is wishing day.

Do you lovelies know what I wish for with my whole heart and soul?

I wish, I wish, that this book, along with all of my wonderful reader, highly improves on its existence.

May I ask you a question?

Can you please please please share this book? If you don't know already I have *Drum-roll please* entered this book in the #Wattys2015 !!!!!

*Throws confetti*


*Hugs every one of my readers*


You know I keep getting messages from #Wattpad saying my story has taken off and that it has so many reads and votes and comments and I... *Wipes tear* I just get emotional you know? This is a great achievement for a girl my age and I just want to give my bestie Iamaredstar22 for helping me reach this far.






For just holding on with me though this. I love all of you from the deepest pit in my heart. xoxoxo

Damn this is a huge authors note.

Please... for the love of Neverland... Share this book to your friends and family. All Oncers are practically my family.


This is my first time entering into the #Wattys and I don't know how everything will turn out.

I hope for the best. I hope you help me with this. EHHHH I CANT WAIT!!!

xoxo ) -iamabluestar16





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