Fifty six:

17 3 7

"We need to head that way." I lead the gang, now caught up with whats happening, to the shoreline. 

In the distant, screams could be heard and muffled sounds that were washed away by the wind.

Now wasn't really the time, but I could still feel the first day I came here. Who would have thunk it would have lead up to this. 

Oh, by the way when I was talking with pan in camp a few minutes ago, a new member was added to the gang.

His name's Neal. Aparently he was the one in the cage next to me... when Peter trapped me.

Peter again huh? We're back on first name basis. Do you like him that much?

No. Pan. 

Forget that now. We grab a boat and row our way to the base of the rock.

Geez. This is so unrealistic. Why on earth would there be a rock shaped like a skull called Skull Rock in a place where no onegrows up? 

J. M. Barrie.... dude you had this all wrong. 

If only that guy could know. He'd rewrite Peter Pan himself.

Jay clutches my shoulders as we head there.

"Don't be shocked."

I brush her hand off.

"I know. Im expecting everything to happen."

I sigh. 

"I know it'll hurt..."

It's for the best....

We step off the boat and onto the rock itself. 

Regina stops Emma from entering.

"There's a protection spell."

A second later they combine their powers and cover up the light of the moon... causing their shadows to dissapear. 

We all enter inside and cascade up the streched flight of stairs. When we reach the top Pan has Henry in the one room.

I look around and notice that we can actually look out of the eyes of the skull. Coooollll!

Nows not the time Narmi. Focus. 

Hai! Fighting!

"Stop it Pan." I yell and he looks back at me.

"Ah. What have we got here?"

I know what you want. You don't have to do this.

"B-but we do." Henry speaks up from behind Pan.

"No kiddo. He's lying to you." Emma. She's on the verge of tears. 

"What did you tell him Pan?!" Regina puts up her fire ball. I put her hand back down and motion for her to calm down. 

"Mom. Neverland is dying. Only I can save it."


Before it can be stopped Pan reaches in and pulls out his heart. 

I feel light-headed and eventually fall to the ground. 

~*~ Jay's p.o.v~*~

Instead of Henry, Narmi drops. 

I sigh. 

*****Flashback***** (Narmi's p.o.v)

"We need a plan. Replace it."

"Huh?" Emma looks at me like I'm crazy. 

"Replace his heart. There has to be a way." I repeat.

"Mate... shes on to something here." Hook adds in.

"There, theres no way we can-" Emma starts.

"There is." Regina cuts Emma. Everyone wait form her to explain. 

"W-well you see. Theres this one spell... but a heart has to be switched with it."

Eveyone sighs and hope seems to be slipping away.

"I'll do it." I propose. 

"NO!" Jay yells and punches my arm.

"Listen. I've been nothing but a burden to you. Maybe this is why I was sent here anyways. Jay... I'm sorry I dragged you along in this. Switch our hearts Regina. DO IT! After that we'll see what happens. But If I don't return in the flesh please take Jay back to your place. She wont be able to stay in the mortal relm any more."


No! I don't need this right now. Hard as it is, please dont make me repeat it.

"Stop. Just listen to me of once. Do it." 

And that was that.

Regina cast a spell. And just like that... our hearts were switched. 

~*~End of flashback~*~

Still clutching the heart, Pan runs over and pushes his way into the croud around Narmi. Regina quickly takes Henry's heart out of Narmi and rushes over to him. So does everyone else. Hook... Neal... Emma... Rumple... Snow... Charming. 

A tear rolls down my eyes as I watch my best friend on the floor. Probably dead. 

The group walks out on us. Keeping henry with them. I don't blame them. 

"Do you love her?" I mumble through my tears.

"Shut up. You should have left when you had the chance."

With that he picks up her body and makes his way down, decending the flight of stairs. Me and Felix follow- a blank look on his face. 

We dont know where were going. But we follow him through the woods- to a very unfamiliar (yet very familiar) place. 

Felix tries to stop me from following multiple times, but I ignore his tries and follow on. 

We end up near a cliff... mountain thing. I wipe at mty wet face... the faucet in my eyes wont turn off.

Jeez. This is so uncool. 

He climbs it with Narmi on his back- him holding her by her arms and one leg. 

He does. Love her. Its obvious. He let Henry get away because of her. 

We reach a small space and he moves the bushes to remove the most beautiful fountain-loke pond filled with the crystal clear water. 

He leads in and me and Felix follow. 

Narmi... get up.




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