Fort eight:

23 5 1

"I don't remember much. It's been a while since I came here. That's about it." 





"Come on. At least tell me a bit of how much you remember." I try negotiating with him. 

He sighed again. Looking around for what I think was any sign of a lost boy or Peter. 

"What about your mum? Dad?" I asked. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm being so nice to him and asking him all these questions. Maybe it's just that I'm Homesick. Or maybe I want to know if he had a better life than me. Although if he did then why would he be here? 


"Huh?" Wait.... damn I think I zoned out again...

He stared at me like talking to me was the most infuriating thing ever. 

I smiled cheekily at him. "Sorry 'bout that, I zoned out-" 

"I know." He said with his monotone voice.

I gave him a nervous laugh and he sighed. Again.

Geez do I bore him that much?

"My mum, like I said before, died giving birth to another sibling of mine. "


Realization hit me like a brick in the face. There WAS more to this kid than meets the eye.

"Uh..... what about your dad?" I asked, kinda ashamed of being pushy. But eh, who cares anyways? 

He shrugged a bit, standing taller. If that was possible. 

"Became a drug addict. Got married again. Died of overdosing. Didn't like him much anyways. He was pushy and annoying." He emphasized the words 'pushy and annoying' enough for me to get the hint. 

But.... me being me... decided to ignore him for that matter.  

"And what about your mum, second one at that?" I need dirt on him. So I need to be pushy. 

I think...

"She was alright, I guess. Nice enough to hide the fact that she was clearly depressed as hell. I think that was the time my sibling sister was around only two months old, that Pan's shadow came and picked me up at my window." 

I smiled at that. Nice...

"What did your sister look like?" I ask out of pure curiosity. 

"I don't know. She had hair. "



What kind of a description is that?!

"Well, you said your step mum was nice. What was she like. And don't say random crap like she had an ear or something like that Kay?!"

He rolled his eyes.

;_; Jeez... can't even try to hide the fact that he's annoyed. 

"Uhm..... She.... hm.... Oh yeah her name was Nelly." 

Nelly. Name sounds familiar... 


"Wicked! My mums name is Nelly. That's cool. Although she only liked to be called Nel."

"Wait... Narmi, what was her last name?" He stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Valentine.... Why?"

He ran a hand through his hair and leaned against a tree. 

He brought his hood closer to his face. 

"Her last name was Valentine too..."

No way.

You have got to be kidding. 

"You... you're her. You're my 2-month-old little sister... you're... who my mum died giving birth to."

"No way...." 

He's got to be pulling my leg. There's no way. What....

"W-what was my real mum like?" 

Rumpelstiltskin. He was right. He has something to do with this. That couldn't be the only reason my mum die... could it? Was it all my fault. 

"Her name was Kriv. She always preferred that other than Kriven." He looked up at me from under his hood. "She looked just like you..." He whispered the last part, but I didn't miss the crack in his voice when he said it. 

I came closer to him and sat on the dirt floor next to him, my yellow dress/shirt getting brown at the back. 

And we just sat like that... for God knows how long. But it was quiet and peaceful for once. 


~*~Today's Special~*~

Who say this coming?






The New Neverlandersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें