Forty one:

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(AN: The cover here is made entirely by @Iamaredstar22 She spent her time working on it and it just looks great! Thanks pal!)

(AN: Please please please follow my Twitter account for this book @iamabluestar16 Thanks to all of you who follow!)

"Excuse me?" Emma asked with her eyebrow raised in question.

Uhh.... blueberry pie!

Eh! No Narmi stay on topic! You got yourself into this situation you can get yourself out!


"He's lying! We HAVE met before." I turned to face rumple and tilted my head to the side. "Or has your dumb self forgotten, Rumple-what's-your-face?!"

He glares at me and leans against a tree.

"Well she's got quite a tongue, if you ask me." He says.

Well, no one asked you. So shut up.

Your voice is making my ears bleed.

"And a colorful set of words." I stare at him. Is he done yet?

Not to sound rude dude, (That rhymes! ^_^) but Peter might be wondering where I am. And boy will he be pissed!

All of us stare at him and an awkward silence takes over the atmosphere.


"So Gold... Do you know her?" Snow says, breaking the eerie silence.

"Even if I did. What would it matter?"

My time. I don't have time for this. Just shut up for a second and then tell the truth for heavens sake!

Regina gets irritated by his answer and yells,"The fact that we need her to be spelled in order to get to Henry! And we can't spell her thanks to you!!!"

Rumple pushes himself off the tree trunk.

"Me? Such false accusation. But fine... we have met. Long time ago. Before Storybrooke - Regina."

Wait. Wasn't Snow trying to talk about Storybrooke before? Well why would Regina hide Storybrooke? What is Storybrooke? And how is it Rumple's fault its there?

"So you've met in the Enchanted Forest?" Regina asks.

Holy macaroni!

Oh sweet karma!

*Looks at sky* These people know the Enchanted Forest!

*Looks at random person on the street* These people know the Enchanted Forest!


Think of a plan Narmi!

"Wait.... So... uh." *Chirp* Dammit! *Chirp* "You guys know the Enchanted Forest?" I finally ask them.

The look around and finally nod.

"Were all from there." Emma says.

YASSSS! She could take me and Jay there and we can save the fairies. Even though I doubt that's why Elisha wanted to take me to her home. But eh!

I got it!

"Lets make a deal." I have thunk this through. I know what i'm doing.

Rumple smirks slightly.

"Now what would that be about dear?" I could see the amusement in his eyes.

Hook scratches behind his neck. (Kawaii)

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