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After the conversation we had with Peter earlier, we went back to the middle of the camp. There was nothing more to do, making me realize that if we were gonna stay in the camp, we were gonna need a tent!

"Hey Peter, could we go make a tent somewhere here!?" I yelled to Peter who was all the way across the camp, talking to Felix. He looked back and nodded curtly, and went back to doing whatever he was doing. I grabbed J's hand and led her into the woods. After a while of me dragging her to absolutely nowhere, she yanked her hand out of my iron grip. She pulled back her hand and rubbed the red marks that came from the fact that I was holding onto her so tight, cutting of her circulation.

"What the hell, N!?" She hissed dangerously in my way. I looked at her with a look that said sorry."It's a good thing we despised of the letter." I say. She nods in agreement. We start to collect logs and sticks for the tent.

"Wait,  we need some thick logs for the furniture and the beds." I say, talking out loud while I try to move a very thick log. J comes in to help me so we could move it faster. We have found an UN-used spot in the camp that looked big enough to hold six tents. Of course we were gonna use all that space, leaving some space for a small back yard that was fenced.

We had collected enough wood to make a home, some furniture, and have a small fire pit in front of the house. We decided against the fire pit because one, we had a huge one in the middle of the camp, and two, we don't want the whole house to burn down.

Getting started, we put the thick logs together, and using some of the rope we had 'borrowed' from Peter's tree house. And by borrowed, we mean took all the rope that he had laying around, which was a lot by the way, and used to tie the logs together to make the walls.

After all the walls were done, J held one of the wall up, and turns out, it was about two feet taller than us. That was a good thing. I held another, making a aright angle. I used some of the rope to hold the two standing walls up. We dug a little in the earth, and fitted the right angle in it, to make it sturdier. After we fixed the other walls in, we had a roofless medium sized house. It had two small bedrooms, a medium sized living room, and a bathroom. The small kitchen, or the slab we call a kitchen, was a part of the living room.

It wasn't a very spacious house-without-a-roof, but it was better than living in a cramped tent. After taking a step back to admire out handiwork, We began working on the roof. It was your normal roof, made the same way the walls were made, but this time we took smaller sticks and wove them through any thick holes or cracks between the logs. As for the finishing touch to the roof, I took all the scrap pieces of clothing thrown away, or torn from a Lost Boys clothing, and made what looked like a blanket to cover the roof.

I sewed the edges of the roof blanket so that it made pockets for the edges of the triangular like rooftop. After the roof blanket was sewn into place, we started with the fence. Peter left before we even started, and I don't know where he went, so don't ask. We did almost the same as we did for the walls and the roof, but this time we made it have a little space in between the fence pegs.

So it looked like logy picture frames put together to make a fence. Hey, if you have no idea as to what I am talking about right now, or you are not so good using your imagination, than look at the picture, Bruh! We left a little pathway between the fences that came from both sides of the house so we could easily get to and from places.

After the exterior and the whole main house was done, We used the leftover string and logs to make furniture. There was just enough logs to make one bed, and a small chair. That's why J had to go out and look for more logs, while I put the finishing touches on the way the house looked. I moved the fence in a way so it rounded in front of the house, giving us more room in the front yard.

Just as I finished doing that, J came back with two thick logs. She almost dropped the logs when Felix came and helped her. Oh, I guess the Lost Boys are back from training. We were supposed to go to training too, that's what Peter had told us, but then again, when do we ever listen to what Peter has to say? I rolled my eyes as he helped her drag it to the front door. He was about to go in, when I stopped him.

By this time, we had drawn the attention of all the boys, Peter included. He pushed his way through the lot and stared at the house in amazement. Felix was about to follow J in, again, so I stood in his way.

"This is the house only for the G girls to enter! No S.U.R.L Boys!" I say. J smirks all the way until the part about S.U.R.L Boys. I just made that up now, so she doesn't know what it means.

"The G girls? Care to explain?" Peter asks. I look at him. NO! I do not care to explain. I don't have to explain myself to you, mister!

"No, I don't!" I snap back at him. He sighs.

"Well at least tell me what S.U.R.L Boys are!" He practically begs. I huff. "Fine! STUPID UGLY RETARDED LOST BOYS! Good night, and happy day! PEACE!" I say annoyed and go back in the house. J follows. Well... I guess I'll just have to sleep on the floor tonight, I think to myself as I lock the lock I made on the door not an hour ago.

This will be a long night!





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