Forty seven:

22 4 1

The next morning , or evening as there are no dumb mornings in Neverland, I exit the cabin and make my way towards where I see Henry and Timothy talking. I smile at that.

Awww the're gonna be great friends!

I scan the area to see if Jay is around.

Dagger practice...


Bon fire...


Near the edge of camp talking to Felix...

Nop- What?!

I can't hear what they say but its clear it's a heated argument. By the way their hands gesture around as they speak clearly shows they're fighting verbally.

And it's starting to piss the Lost Boys out by the look the're giving me.

I run my hand through my hair and let out a strained nervous laugh.


I make my way towards the cat fight and stand in the middle.

"Jay y u do dis to me?!" She scowls at Felix and looks around the camp to see that everyone is tying to hide the fact that the're clearly eavesdropping on the frantic conversation.

She sighs and sends me an apologetic look before marching off to dagger practice, but not before shooting Felix a look of pure evil and poison and kicking a rock.


Now what......

You know in school they don't ready you for these kinda situation. Like there should be a school for 'AWKWARD MOMENTS AND HOW TO PREVENT THEM' and the first lesson they should teach is:

If you ever, by any chance, get stuck on an island with a bunch of hobo boys and a evil leader who goes by the name of a cooking utensil, then here is a way to avoid awkward situations you may or may not get in.

I come back to the real world just as Felix starts to move away.


..... Dis boy.


You know the thought about that school didn't sound so bad....

"I said move."

Putting 'I said' in from of 'Move' wont change my decision.

"Let's have a civil conversation for once kay?!" Oh, Oh this girl spitting fire right here.

I could see his jaw working and his brain churning to make a decision.

Before he could respond I started walking towards a direction leading into the woods.

"We need to discuss somethings."

He sighed and followed me.

I looked back at Jay and signaled 'Five minutes' with my fingers to which she nodded but scowled when Felix turned to look back at her.

I pushed him ahead of me and soon we were walking away from camp.

"You like jay don't you"

"No" Wow what a bad lie. I could even see his neck and tip of his ears tinted a crimson red.

I tried to hold in my laughter.

I looked him up and down. Which I had to crane my neck up for cuz damn he was tall.

His eyes seemed to be the same shape and size as mine, though on mine they look pretty big.

I switched to his nose which seemed a little crooked compared to mine. I mean, A little MORE crooked.

"When did you come here by the way?" I asked. Of course out of pure curiosity pshh.

"Not your business. "

Cold shoulder I see...

"You can tell me. Honestly I don't know why I asked, I could care less but just tell. I won't tattle." I smirked bumping my hip against his causing him to glare and step away giving me the 'What the hell' look.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair under his hood.

This should be good...


~*~Today's Special~*~

Should I make a new book? (*wink* watch out)






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