Twenty One:

34 9 0

(AN: Whats 9+10? 

21! Lol. Have A Happy New Year - iamabluestar16)

STORYBROOKE: Henry's rescue gang come to Neverland.

~Narmi's p.o.v~

I hate it. Peter is missing most of the time. I'm bored as hell in this goddamn camp. Each day seems the same. Waking up on a log in the middle of camp, watching all the boys go hunt and then come back with retched squirrels and birds. Like who eats meat in the morning?!

I see Henry get up and go into the woods. The hell? He never leaves camp. Its like he's afraid of the woods. He's always on the other side, sitting on a log, looking at the dirt floor. What's gotten into him now? Its like he's following something. Or someone. 

And of course I follow him.

I keep my distance. I don't want to freak him out now do I? I mean, poor kid already looks like he's about to poop bricks. He starts to speed walk.

What's the hurry kid? Someone stepped on your tail?

I smirk. I speed walk too. Guess what? 

He freaking starts to jog! I swear to whatever God there is, this kid!

Now he's running. I Chase after him. Although I stay hidden. I remember the last time I decided to follow Peter. Yea.... things didn't go well. 

Henry suddenly stops. I also jerk to a stop and hold the nearest tree to me.

Whoa! that was close. Too close.

I bend over to catch my breath, with my hands on my knees and my head dipped down. I looked back up and-

What the hell!!!! Where'd he go!? I swear I had him. Oh man, this is such a drag! 

I look closely at the tree...wait... whats that?!

A ladder?! He went up a tree? I bring myself to look up. There's a tree house? Oh! How did I not see that?!

I sit down, my back leaning against the tree, and wait for him.

Finally! Henry finds his way down. He seems to be having trouble. I chuckle at his attempts to climb down. Finally he touches the floor.

I go and ruffle his hair.

"Whatcha doing Hen?" I ask casually

"Oh, I followed Pan here. Did you know that Wendy is sick?" Huh? Whats he talking about?

" Y-You mean Wendy? As in Wendy Darling?!" I should've guessed.


"OK. You go back Henry. Do you know the way?"

He looked back.

"Yeah. Just keep going back." I patted his back and watched him go out of my line of vision. I turned my head back at the tree house.

Wendy Darling, huh?





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