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Out of now where, Peter comes out and sits on the stump next to me.

"Uh... hey?" He says, as if it wasn't clear to him that I wanted to be alone right now.Wait... did he follow me here?! 

"H-hey." I say stuttering a bit. This kid is dangerous I think to myself. About a minute passes and we don't say anything. Well, talk about awkward!

"So... were you...um...stalking me!?" I ask awkwardly. He laughs... AN ACTUAL LAUGH!!! Not just his signature smirk or scowl, but an actual, genuine laugh that came straight from the heart! Yea! That laugh!

I smile putting my head down, not letting him know that it was so awkward for me."That's a first!" I say, referring to his laugh.

"What's a first?"

"You, laughing. I didn't think I would have lived to hear that!" I say. He scratched the back of his head shyly. I looked up from the smaller stump I was sitting on, and he looked down at me.

"So...What's up?" He asked, breaking me out of my gaze. Oh, you know a random fairy just kidnapped us from our house and sent us on a two day long trip just to get some supplies and come to a place where we were beat up and put in a cage two damn times, each time ending with us escaping.

"Oh, nothing." I replied simply. Better that than going into full detail, right? And plus, I don't even know him that well so....yea. 

"That's not true and you know that, Narmi. So tell me the truth!" He demanded. I stared at him. Like, we were literally having a stare down right now, and it seemed like he was about to win. That's why I said,"Tell Felix to stay away from Julie!"

It wasn't lying, almost. That was one of the things bothering me, but that wasn't the main one though. The main one was about Elisha and her letters.

"Why would Felix go near her!?!" He asked, scrunching his nose up.

"What do you mean by her?!" I am on full on yelling mode right now, and so is he.

"Forget that and tell me the truth!" He says, throwing his hands up in the air, frustrated as hell. I smirk. So he has no idea, huh?

"You know what? Damn you! You are a coward and I am done staying on this wretched island full of savages and hobos!" I yell back, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Yeah! Only you can't leave without my permission because this is MY island!"

"Yeah! Only I didn't need your permission coming here, so I don't need it to go!" With the last word, I flip my hair, grab the bow and arrow, and stomp my way back to camp.

~J's p.o.v~

I was practicing dagger throwing, with some of the lost boys and Felix. I rolled my eyes every time he told me I was doing something wrong, and then did it the same way I was doing it, when it was his turn! I was about to holler at him when Narmi came stomping out of the woods with her bow and an arrow in her hand.

She marched right up to me. Everyone stopped what they were doing and formed a circle around us. N looks around at the boys for a bit, who all have confused looks on their faces.

~Peter's .p.o.v~

I floated above the circle, a good distance away though.

Narmi says,"We," Then points at her friend and back at her,"Are leaving!"

~N's .p.o.v~

J pulled me out of the circle. All the boys went back to what the were doing previously.

"We can't leave!" Julie says sternly.

"I can't stay here any longer!" I reply, moving my hand to jeasture to the island.

"Remember the note!??" He whisper yells thrugh her teeth.

I sigh. I do want to know who I am, if I'm not who I am now that is.I nod my head at her. She relaxes.

"What note!?" We hear Peter from behind us...





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