Thirty four:

56 6 5

We enter camp and Jay goes down to the cabin to rest up a bit.

Ha! So all the running did get to her!

Now I just have to find Henry...

I stand up on one of the logs placed around the campfire, causing a lot of stares to come my way.

I don't care about what others think about me...

Pfft I'm perfect in my own little way.

I spot Henry talking to Timothy.

Aww they could be best friends. Timothy is like the first person Henry has spoken to, besides Peter and myself, since he came to Neverland.

Or I should say he was brought to Neverland.


I was wondering where he was.

"No." I answer back to Peter. He could go shove a stick down his throat...

I wouldn't care...

I was about to switch into a sprint, when he blinked us somewhere into the jungle.

I see the two stumps... wait... those are the sumps me and him had a chat on.

Yeah... those stumps. I feel my ears burn.

No... this is embarrassing.

"Why are you doing this. I have to talk to Henry." I say.

"That's exactly why I brought us here. Remember you weren't gong to tell Henry anything?!" He leaned against a tree with that stupid signature smirk on his face.

Oh what I would do to wipe that off his face.

"No this is about something else..."

I try my hardest not to show much of he burn marks on my left arm.

Good... he doesn't notice.

"About..." Uh.... Sorry not sorry Peter, but that's classified information.

Meaning I won't tell you.

"I can't just say a good 'Hello Henry, hows it going?' or 'Sup Hen? How's life treating you this fine day?' ?!" Need to stir him away from the real reason.

Was it really Henry in that room?

It takes him a good two minutes of staring to my before he answers.

"No. You know what? Don't tell me. I'l find out myself. But that's not the real reason why I blinked us here."

Oh god...

"What. T-then why....?" Nooooo don't stutter!

Forget my life...

He gets up from off the tree, and slowly walks towards me.

I could literally feel the bead of sweat drip from my forehead.

I take a couple steps back, making it look natural, and not that I'm afraid of him.

I feel some stray bangs fall on my forehead and get a little damp from the sweat.

He stops when were barely a feet apart and picks his hand up to my face. I flinch back.

He sweeps away the stray strand of hair and tucks it behind my ear.

Too close man! Personal space dude!

I swat his hand away and take three steps back.

"I want to make a deal with you."

Oh... that's it?

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