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~J's p.o.v~

We walked back to the so called camp. "This Pan kid, seems like a pain."I commented based on the story she told me while we were walking. Nobody had noticed us yet.

"Tell me about it!" Retorted N. I giggled. We have been best friends since the first grade! That's saying something.

The boys finally look up and stop whatever they are doing. I pull out my purple dagger. N puts her hand to me, telling me to put my weapon down. I put it down really slow.

~N's p.o.v~

J puts her weapon down slowly. The crowd gathers around us and I see Peter is missing. I swear this boy...

The cloak boy- um... Felix's eyes twinkle. I don't really know what that twinkle means, but he gets it whenever he sees J. I think he's amused.

"Oh look, they multiplied. Soon the whole world will be full of them brats!" Felix says, directing his tone to J.

J scowls and says,"Oh look, they also look like trolls! And ugly ones!" I laugh my pants off. We look at him and smirk.

He looks pissed off.

"His names Freak-" I say.

"It's Felix. Get it right!" Fe-lix butts in.

"Do we really want to go there again!?" I threaten, reminding him of what happened when he first corrected me with his name. He backed off.

J looked at me, her face full of surprise and questioning. I shrugged letting her know that I'd tell her later.

"EVERYONE, THIS IS... JULIE. SHE'LL BE HERE FOR A WHILE!" I screamed to the lost boys around us. The youngest, I learned his name was Timothy, came up to us.

"We're all showy that we had to hit you." He said in his baby voice. Awn, who could say no to that voice. I bent down ans scooped him in my arms. He giggled and held me close. The lost boys expressions were pretty much soft, other that Felix. 

"Hey yo Fe-lexer, chill dude. I don't bite!" I said, hoping to get him to chill out for a sec.

"Yet" J said through her teeth. I nudged her side and she shrugged.

"What the hell!!??? IT'S FELIX!!" He said in frustration. I shook my head and led J to the training section. She took out her dagger and started immediately to the dagger practice section.

I took a god breather and looked around. Felix was staring at J as she taught the other boys how to properly hold a dagger, much less throw it.

I was about to go to Felix, when J called me.

"Hey N, come here for a sec."

I walked over to her. She had a kid about the age of ten.

"Aden here, says that I hold a dagger wrong."

I look at Aden."Hey Aden , so... how do you hold a dagger?" I say, getting to the point. I really need to talk to Felix. Aden holds it from the handle. I shake my head, no.

"Err! Wrong! You hold it from the blade if you want it to be stuck in the target from the blade." He nods and shoots again.

"I'll be right back." I say to Jay who has already moved on to the next person. She nods and I make my way to Felix.

"What do you want!?" He says. Wow, straight forward much!?

"Hello  to you to."

"Cut to the case, why are you willingly talking to me?!" He says, killing any chances of me being nice to him.

"Oh, so I can't be civil for once!?" I yell back. Two can play at this game!

"Not with me you can't!"

"Alright, I have just about had it with you. Just came here to tell you to stay away from J, Got That!!??" I say. So much for being civil.

 "Why would I go near your friend there, she's a walking annoying machine!" Felix says.

"Oh, I see the way you look at her. Cut it out. And that same annoying girl is my best friend, so if you mess with her, you mess with me!" I say, spilling out all I have seen to him.

He was about to hit me when J came out of nowhere and stopped him.

"You coward!" She yelled. Felix had regret all over his face. Good! Now J hates him! I smirked.

Felix pushed off the tree and left... without a word. Just like that!?

"Come on, lets go sit." J says sighing. I shrug and follow her to the log. And that's how we end up chatting and laughing all through the night.

I just had a feeling that Felix was watching her this whole time.





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