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I gulp as Peter nods at me once before turning his gaze back to Rumpelstiltskin, who was giggling furiously.


He ugly!

I look at Jay while fidgeting with my dress. This is embarrassing...

"I haven't seen you before this... before now." I say, totally stating the truth.

Yeah, that was sarcasm! I'm lying! I'm a liar, OK?! So tie my hands and throw me off a cliff, would you?!

I hope Rumpelstiltskin keeps this ball rolling.....aaaaannndd no he doesn't. Just my luck.

"But we have met dearie, remember? While you were strolling in the woods?" This thing....

bruh! Leave me hanging then.

"What?!" Peter says furiously. Oh my! I'm dead. Like seriously dead... might as well start carving my coffin.

I didn't tell him that we had met. Oh yeah... he blinked us back to camp before I had a chance to.

His fault. If were pointing fingers here, I believe that all fingers on each hand, should be pointed at him.

Even the toes...

Back to the present.

"Tell him dear- I'll see you later." Rumpelstiltskin winked and snapped his fingers before bursting into a thick purple smoke.

"Uhh-" Jay starts to say something but we get - R U D E L Y- blinked to Peter's tree house.

Well that was fun. This always happens!

Why do I always get caught?! This sucks!
SATURDAY- Make a cover:

OK so this is my best idea yet! Go make a cool looking cover for this book. You can make it for free at and then email it to me at :

or send it to my Twitter account : @bluebubbleU

Go! Make wacky covers for me! All credits will be given in shout outs!




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