{23: Iscariot}

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As soon as you hung up the phone you darted behind one of the large shipping containers at the edge of the room.

You heard a panicked shout as you assumed someone found your empty chair. Moments later the thundering of footsteps were echoing down the corridor as Jiyongs men searched for you.

Breathing heavy, you slipped inside a container, surprised that it was unlocked. You crouched low to the floor, peering out of the gap in the door. You could see a large group of men, all dressed heavily in black running around, guns hoisted up and ready to shoot.

Peering over to where you were previously sat, you could see Seung-Hyun crouched, inspecting the ropes you had sawed apart. His dark brows were furrowed in concentration as he twirled the frayed ends around in his slender fingers.

"She did this herself" he commented, "there's no one else here so we don't need to worry. Let's just find the brat- she can't have gone far" he stood up and the men around him scattered, voices and footsteps booming throughout the room.

You don't know how long you stayed crouched there, whenever the footsteps were too close you sunk further back. At one point you thought you had been caught as one of the men peered into the container you were in. He swiped his flashlight round, missing you by barely an inch, carelessly scanning the space.

"Container 23 clear!" He yelled before moving on to the next container. You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding as his footsteps faded away. The harsh shouts and pounding footsteps continued on for at least half an hour, before the room was finally cleared out.

You stayed in the dark for a few minutes, even in the silence just to make sure. You could hear the blood rushing through your ears, pins and needles were spreading through your legs but still you didn't make a sound. You didn't know how long you sat there in silence. It could have been half an hour or minutes, even seconds.

Your head shot up as the creaking of the door rang out, some one was coming back. You stiffened, still concealed by the dark void of shadows. Your breathing was shallow as you watched the two men enter the room. Both were dressed in all black, tattoos gracing the skin they dared show. Both had caps on, pulled down low over their eyes as the crept stealthily into the room. The man at the front held a hand gun out in front of him, which he swung dangerously from side to side as he scanned his surroundings.

"(Y/N)?" The first man hissed out, causing your head to shoot up, eyes widening at his voice.

When you made no attempt to answer he tried again, "(Y/N), it's us. Are you in here?"

It was him. He had kept his promise. You nearly cried out with tears of joy but you stopped yourself, reminding yourself of where exactly you were. You slipped easily out of the container, stepping towards the two men.

"Jay, I'm here" you say and both men's eyes widen. Jay gives you a grin of relief, moving forwards to place a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.

"Thank fuck. Now let's get you out of here" he gave you a warm smile, before turning and leading you and Jackson out of the room. You and Jackson gave each other a polite nod and shared a small smile as you followed the eldest.

However, it seemed at that moment your luck ran short. The door flew open with a loud clang as three, four, five of Jiyongs men burst into the room, guns loaded and pointed readily at you.

Jay pulled the trigger, an ear bursting bang following the action. The bullet whizzed past one of the men and Jays hands shook as he held the gun out in front of him.

The man at the front of the group pulled his gun up to eye level, "Drop your weapons" he yelled, his deep voice scraping over thin air. Authority rang through his words and both Jay and Jackson obediently dropped their guns.

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