{3: Corner shop milk}

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"Jungkook I really don't want to go with you" you groaned as the boy pulled you towards the tattoo shop.

"Oh come on (y/n), don't be so miserable" he whined and you rolled your eyes as he tugged your arm harder. He lead you into the shop, the smell of disinfectant stinging your nose. Hoseok  looked up, grinning widely when the two of you walked in.

"(Y/n), Jungkook! Hey guys" the dark haired man grinned at you, the ring at the center of his lower lip glistening in the light.

"RM told me you would show up with Jungkookie" he grinned at me and you couldn't figure out the look in his eyes.

"Yeah he had a meeting with my dad last night and saw us" Jungkook shrugged it off.

"Alright let's get started, c'mon Jungkook" Hoseok beckoned for you to follow him to his part of the tattoo shop.

"What tattoo do you want then?"

Jungkook pondered the question, but not for long as his face lit up.

"A lollipop" he declares.

"A lollipop?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow as Jungkook continues.

"A blue one, here" he gestures to the side of his ribcage. Hoseok shrugged.

"Okay then" and he got started with cleaning and stencilling on the design to Jungkooks ink filled torso. Ever since you turned 18 you both had been getting ink after ink, although Jungkook had way more than you, his arms and torso were covered.

You sat there holding Jungkooks hand whilst Hoseok raked the gun across his side. For some reason Jungkook liked the feeling of someone there when he got a tattoo. And since you were his best friend it meant it was always you. You didn't mind too much though, you loved the feeling of tattoo shops.

"Hey, Hoseok" it was Blondie. He cut off his sentence looking at you and Jungkook.

"Oh I didn't know you two were here yet."

Jungkook grinned through the pain, giving the older man a small wave,

"Hi hyung!"

Blondie gave him a wave before turning to Hoseok.

"I'll talk to you after."

Hoseok just gave him a dismissive nod, turning his head back to continue his work, Jungkook looking down to inspect it. You looked at Blondie who flicked his head up, gesturing for you to leave the room as he backed out. You turn to Jungkook mumbling some excuse about needing the toilet.

As soon as you step out of the room Blondie is on you, pushing you against the wall with his body.

"What are you doing?" You hiss trying to push him away. Blondie just smirked.

"I'm just saying hello princess" his dimples were showing. Oh god please help. They were just too adorable. You had the urge to poke them.

No (y/n)!

You scolded yourself. You did not think that this arrogant, self entitled man and his damn dimples were cute.

"Well you have a funny way of say hello" you snap and he chuckles.

"Don't worry princess, I like it when you're feisty."

You push him even harder, disgusted. He smirked, his long, slender fingers caressing your hair.

"C'mon baby, you know you want me" he put emphasis on the pet name.

"I don't even know your real name" you defend but he just rolls his eyes.

"You don't need to" he said indignantly and you scowled even harder at him.

"You really think a lot of yourself don't you?" you realise it's futile to try push him again as this man was a lot stronger than you.

He leaned down to whisper in your ear, sending chills down your spine. At that moment the door to Hoseoks room was thrown open revealing Jungkook. In a moment the blonde was off of you, walking calmly away down the hall.

You couldn't concentrate on Jungkooks excited chatter as he paid Hoseok for his ink. All you could think about was the words the blonde had whispered to you.

"My name, princess, is Kim Namjoon."


Kim Namjoon? That's all you could think about for the next few days. The blonde man, who was covered in tattoos and filled with secrets.

Why had he been so hesitant to share his name with you? Why did he even use a fake name in the first place? Was Kim Namjoon even his real name? You didn't know.

All you knew was that you were enticed by the blonde. He drew you in and that scared you. It scared you how much of an affect a stranger had on you. You barely knew him but you thought about him constantly. Craved his presence, craved his touch, craved his deep, husky voice in your ear.

A part of you wanted to see him again. This was the bigger part. You were so entranced by him and his aura even. A smaller part never wanted to hear the name Namjoon again. Never wanted to come face to face with the blonde. Hoped that he would leave you alone and never come back.

He was like a drug. You knew he was bad yet you wanted him still. No, not wanted, needed. Almost like you were hooked on him. Addicted to him.

Then you met Taehyung in the street. Then your fears were confirmed. Then you realised you were in a lot deeper than you had thought.

You were walking home from work, you had taken the route through the city so you could stop and pick up milk. That's when you saw the brown haired man you met in the tattoo shop that day, in the corner shop. As you walked into the milk section Taehyung had walked around the corner, crashing into you.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn't see yo- (y/n)?" He stopped and looked at you.

"Oh uh Taehyung? Isn't it?" You looked down at your feet. Oh god. How is it you can't look where you're going properly?

"Yeah, Hey! What's up?" He gave you a square boxy smile and you returned it with a small smile of your own.

"Not much, you okay?" You return the question politely.

"Ugh, it's been manic, I've been running around working all week it's been horrific" he whined cutely and you gave him a sympathetic look.

"Ah that sucks, I know what you mean though, I'm up to my neck in damn schoolwork."

Taehyung looks down at you,

"Have you seen Namjoon today?"

Why the fuck would you have seen Namjoon? You had only seen the bloke three times and Taehyung only knew about one. So why did he think you would have seen Namjoon?

"No, why would I have seen Namjoon?" You frown.

"I just thought that you would've seen him.. I haven't heard from him yet so..." he trailed off and his face contorted into a frown.

"Why wouldn't you be seeing Namjoon?" He seemed confused.

"I barely know Namjoon? I've only talked to him like three times" you tell the brunette. He frowns harder.

"(Y/n) what are you on about? You're Namjoons aren't you?" He sounded just as bewildered as you. You gave a slight scoff.

"I definitely don't belong to Namjoon, he's way too full of himself, why the fuck would you think that?" You exclaimed and a look of realisation crossed his face.

"(Y/n).. has no one told you what that tattoo on your neck means?"

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