{8: Mafia Man}

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"Wait-  the mafia?" You were shocked. Your jaw hung agape as you stared at Jin, a million different thoughts racing through your mind. The mafia?! You knew you were in deep but you didn't really realise just how deep.

"You didn't know that?" Jin asked. He gave a side glance to you, sat beside him. The fear on your face is evident and guilt pools in his stomach. You didn't deserve this, to be dragged into Namjoons world. Jin knew what he was getting himself into when he agreed to become one of Namjoons assets. You on the other hand, had no idea what you were getting yourself into.

"Look there's not much I can say to you except, if you ever find yourself unable to call Namjoon but you are in need of help, I'm here" Jin handed you his card. It was the complete opposite of Namjoons, it was pure white, a phone number printed in black on the front. You slipped it into your pocket, making a mental note to copy it into your phone later on.

Oh shit. Your phone. You dived into your bag, searching frantically for the forgotten device. You pull it out and turn it on, the sudden brightness blinding you.

Yes, just as you had expected. 26 missed calls, 34 texts and 13 voicemails. All from the man himself, Jeon Jungkook. You checked the clock, your eyes widening slightly at the time, you had been in the station for four and a half hours, the clock showing it was now the afternoon.

"Well shit" you let out a sort of half giggle half sigh and Jin glanced questioningly at you from his seat.

"It's my friend Jungkook, he was a little bit worried" you explained as Jin glances down at your phone and lets out a giggle. As you text Jungkook back Jin started up the car, the low rumble of the engine startling you slightly.

"Namjoon said he would meet us at my place- it seems that you two have a lot to talk about" Jin commented as he pulled out of the parking lot. You gave a small nod even though Jin wasn't even looking at you. You felt sick as a pool of anxiety formed in your stomach. You didn't want to face Namjoon. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. It finally sunk in. You finally realised just how deep in you were. And there was nothing you could do to get out of it. The police had already linked you to Namjoon, and god knows who else.

This was all Namjoons fault. If he had just said what that damn tattoo meant you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. So you sat there in silence, a look of thunder on your face. After what didn't seem long enough Jin pulled into an apartment complex. You hadn't even realised where you were going, since you had been stuck in your thoughts the whole ride. One thing you had noted was that this was the posh part of town. You both climbed out of the car and he reassuringly took your hand in his as he led you to his apartment. As soon as he unlocked the door and pushed it open the two of you were greeted by the sight of Namjoon and Hoseok. The elder was sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, drumming his fingers against the countertop impatiently.

The younger of the two had been pacing across the room, one hand knotted into his freshly dyed pink hair. When he saw you and Jin enter the room his eyes automatically dropped down to your joined hands. As soon as Jin noticed he dropped your hand and cleared his throat.

"Namjoon, you really ought to be more careful" Jin scolded the younger, moving towards Hoseok and setting his briefcase down on the table.

"Hyung I-" Namjoon began but Jin held up his hand.

"I don't want to hear it Joon. Just fix your mess." He said, turning to put on the kettle and grabbing four mugs from the cupboard. Jin gestured for you to sit next to Hoseok and you did as told. Namjoon stopped talking and went to sit opposite you. Your leg shook with anxiety, you felt like you were going to puke. You were stuck in this room with two very dangerous people and their illegal accomplice. You felt a warm hand on your knee and looked up to see Hoseok giving you a reassuring smile. It didn't do anything for your nerves.

"(Y/N)" Namjoon says suddenly and you glance up at him. He has a stone cold look on his face and you shudder just from looking at him.

"What happened at the station?" It was a sharp, blunt question and held no hint of care for your well being. You glared at Namjoon before turning to Hoseok.

"Not much, they had a photo of me and Namjoon, from outside the tattoo shop the other night. They wanted to know what his name was" you told the older boy, ignoring Namjoons stares. Hoseok looks awkwardly between the two of you.

"What did you say?" Hoseok asked gently.

"That I didn't know and he had just tattooed me. Jackson seemed to believe me, Jay not so much" you shrugged.

"Did they ask anything else?" It was Namjoon again. However, you ignored him and kept your mouth shut. Hoseok once again glanced awkwardly between the two of you.

"(Y/N), is your hand hurt?" He asked, holding it up and gingerly massaging the bruising skin. Finally, someone fucking noticed.

"Oh, yeah Jay hit it against the table" you explain as Jin gets up to fetch his first aid kit. Half an hour later your hand was bandaged and the pain was being dulled by the pills Jin gave you.

"Now (Y/N), it's important that you tell us exactly what happened" Hoseok coaxed and part of you wanted to roll your eyes, you weren't a child, but you refrained. You weren't that much of a brat.

You spent the next half hour or so recounting the experience to the three men. A few times Hoseok would ask questions but mostly they let you get on telling your story without interruption. You completely ignored Namjoon whenever he tried to ask a question. It was petty, you knew, but you were angry at him, really fucking angry. You weren't normally the type to play the blame game but you truly believed this was Namjoons fault. Maybe Hoseok has a small part of the blame but at this moment you would talk to anyone as long as it wasn't Namjoon. 

So you ignored Namjoons dirty looks, resisting the urge to glare back and talked to the older boys. It was when Jungkook text you, asking where you were, that you got up to leave.

"I better get going, thank you for your help Jin" you bowed slightly to the doctor who waved at you dismissively.

"There's no need for that, you're welcome, I'm here if you need me" he smiled, getting up to show you to the door. Before you could leave you heard the jingle of keys and turned to see Namjoon getting up, slipping his phone in his pocket. He saw you looking quizzically and gave his first grin of the evening.

"I'll take you home" he said and silenced you with a look before you could even think of protesting. You just rolled your eyes before saying goodbye to Hoseok and storming out of the apartment.

"I like her" Hoseok giggled and Namjoon slapped him across the back of the head.

"You only like her because she's just as disrespectful as you are" he joked lightly before heading out behind you.

"Hey Namjoon" Jin called and the younger poked his head back through the door to listen.

"Good luck".

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt