{5: Caught Out}

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"That, princess, is the mark of Kim Namjoon."


"What the fuck?"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at your outburst. What did that even mean?! The mark of Kim Namjoon your arse. Just who did this guy think he was?

"What do you think you're playing at? That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. 'The mark of Kim Namjoon'? Just who do you think you are?" You scowl at the bleached blonde, half expecting him to burst into laughter at how he had fooled you but he didn't. He stayed still, his serious expression never leaving his face.

"(Y/n)" You finally looked at Hoseok. The elder man looked agitated, fingers drumming lightly on the edge of his desk, eyes flickering between you and Namjoon- trying to find a way to ease the tension between the two of you.

"I understand that you are a smart woman. However, Namjoon and I are also very smart men. Do you really think we would do something this stupid without reason? Without having thought about it?" He asked as you thought over his question. Like, sure it was reasonable but it still didn't explain what the tattoo was doing on your body.

Speaking of which, you were physically exhausted. You had been up early today for a 8am lecture, been at university all day, gone to work, met Taehyung and waited here for nearly an hour for Namjoon to show up. All you really wanted to do was sleep but you didn't want to leave for fear of not getting answers. Namjoon however, frowned, taking note of your droopy eyes and slouching figure.

"How about we talk about this tomorrow?" He suggested but your eyes widened as you bolted up in your seat. He noticed your fear and his eyes soften.

"Here, I'll call you a cab, here is my card so you can call me anytime. We can talk about this tomorrow, you need some sleep." He encourages, handing you a plain black business card, a number on the front in white. Slowly the men convince you that right now, sleep is way more important than finding out the truth. Namjoon leads you outside to wait for the taxi. His large, slender hands gripped your elbow, holding you against his side.

"I would say I'm sorry" he started, looking everywhere but your face, "but I'm not. That's your tattoo, (y/n), no matter what happens-what you decide to do- it's with you forever."

"Namjo-" You start but he shakes his head.

"We will talk about it tomorrow" his voice was firm in a way that you knew meant his word was final. You spent the next few minutes in silence, waiting. His grip on your elbow only softened when the taxi pulled up in front of you, so that you could clamber inside. Once you had plugged in your seatbelt you looked up at the inked man. His eyes were softer than usual.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he promised before paying the taxi driver more than enough money to cover your fare. He stood and watched as the car pulled away and out of sight, taking you with it. Only once you had disappeared did he turn and head back into the shop.


The light haired man was nearly prancing as he made his way down the street. He probably would have if it didn't require so much effort or look so odd as he made his way through the darkened alleys. He was quite short for a male but not too short. His reddish brown hair had a choppy cut layering his forehead and he was lean. His eyes were dark, quite possibly the result of makeup or maybe just from lack of sleep. He had clear, pale skin that contrasted his plump pink lips. He too had tattoos adorning inches of his skin. Rings laced his long slender fingers and  a bomber jacket hung over his shoulders. Patchwork jeans were fitted over his legs and thick soled red shoes covered his feet.

He hummed, pleased with his new findings. He adjusted his beret and flicked his fringe out of his eyes. Not many people knew of him. Only the rich who who couldn't be bothered to do their own dirty work. Lucky for them the red haired man was as skilled as he was handsome  and knew how to get a job done - as long as they knew how to cough up the money for it. Because of his position very few people trusted him, afraid someone would pay him to go against them. He had his few though, he didn't feel the need to keep people close like others did. He thought  it was a was of time and the risk of betrayal was too high.

The chains around his throat jingled as he twisted to retrieve his phone from his back pocket. There was only one person he could trust with his life. Just one. His slender fingers tapped daintily on the screen, he was eager to tell the other of his work.

He grinned to himself as he put his phone to his ear. The ringing went on a little to long for his liking and his grin fell slightly. The first time he rang it went to voicemail but he wasn't about to give up yet. He clicked on the number again, raising the phone to his ear to listen to the familiar ringing sound. Again it went on a little to long for the redheads liking. However, this time, just before it went to answerphone the other man picked up.

"Hyung, what the fuck do you want this late at night?" the younger man growled into the phone, his voice hoarse due to the fact that he had just gotten home.

"Is that any way to greet your hyung?" The elder tutted, pouting even though he knew the boy couldn't see his face. There was a pause before the younger sighed.

"'M sorry hyung. Why did you call? Are you on your way home?"

The redheads grin returned as he remembered the reason he had called the younger.

"I saw the most interesting thing just now. Outside of RM tattoos." He drawled down the phone and the younger fell silent, prompting him to carry on.

"It was our dear Namjoonie. And he had a girl with him."

"Are you sure it wasn't just one of his hookers?" The younger questioned but the elder shook his head, again knowing the other couldn't see him.

"No, she definitely wasn't the hooker type. She had to much self worth. I can show you - I took pictures of course. Plus it seemed our Joon was very protective over her by the way he had a hold of her." The redhead grinned down the phone, waiting for his companions answer. Normally he had a cold exterior, very rarely smiling, always a serious look about him. But the chance to fuck Namjoon over? That was a rare pleasure worth smiling about. With younger it wasn't about grudges or revenge. No, it was about having fun, causing trouble. The boy loved it. So, of course the elder helped him out whenever he could, finding situations for the boy to mess around with or fuck up to his liking.

"Well well well, hyung. Looks like we will be having some fun." The younger finally replied with a playful tone.

"I'm heading home now, I'll see you in a bit, we can talk more then." The red haired man spoke lowly.

"See you in a bit Yoongi hyung".

Mob Mentality//Namjoon x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें